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When A Martyr Wife Gets Tired

Chapter 2 I'm Tired Of Loving You

Word Count: 2079    |    Released on: 04/07/2023

's Point

halia when my friend

this call?" I aske

y before giving me a kiss on the lips. Damn! Thi

e important," she winked at me before pushing

re of that?" I immediately opened up to him a

e of his open

Do you want a gir

id angrily then he hun

hen I received a call from Manang, my housekeeper. This is not the plan of my good wife, Cianna, is it? To inte

ice is shaking. It was a

, Manang?" I asked her


ut of annoyance so I dropped it off the call. I even shut my phone do

e! I don’t have time for them. All I care i

Point o

d me. But my decision was final. I want to leave Rod. Not because I no longer lov

t were dripping from my eyes. I don't want to show manang that I'm hesitant about leaving R

r and over again! I'm so tire

Manang, she slowly re

t you will take care of yourself. I will

rom my car window, I closed it

ars before I start

en I received a call. I immedi

ing to you?" It was J

am trying to calm my voice so that he'l

kin' speed limit! It's dang

ses when I heard the word ‘ba

was about to fly my car at high speed. I

okay? I'm sorry, I almost forgot that you were in my

my attention away from the baby in my womb

s .

e you doing with

im, Ro

because Rod had already inserted his hand inside. He choke

he shouted in my face before he tightened his grip on me. There


ldn’t breathe, but I couldn’t do that because

ally felt diz

's Point

hone again. I was like, ‘WTF’ after I

her car. That was the first re

ing again that Cianna's o

arning. Even though I hate Cianna she is still my wife in la

I was able to qui

t, she was drivin

th so many things she can do, why on th

saw that she had parked her car to

n I saw her stopped. I quickly parked my c

lt when she ruined my date with T

ll her. I'm not just

ess, I just let her go. I quickly got h

e, she regained

eave, Rod! I want to leave your life!

d. My reaction was shock so I

again?" I asked h

ng you!" she shout

eased the hatred I feel for he

completely softened by what she showed

s Point

and strength when he was about to slap me. Because of what I did so R

aid those words in a whisper but

d, Rodleigh. I'm so stupid that I pour

sion was like, 'what's happening with this stupid creat

he had lost his voice

u, I can almost see your repeated cheat

a walk I secretly followed him with Jacob's car. Beca

lia's condo unit . . . all the places they go, I'm there. I l

It's my life, Cian

immediately gave him a crisp slap. Su

u too much to give you back the pain you caused on

vil witched before

I first made sure I locked

ont of the large mirr

nna." I cried talking to myself u

I laughed like crazy befo

y man?" My tears flowed

n't you?" I shuddered as I

sobbing. Because I was satis

shuddered because I didn't know

espite the pain that he'd cau

nswer that question. It seems difficult. It seems like a very

's Point

ob's house, so, I hardly realized that

back to the first and right in front

saw Jacob comin

now if I was just amused or I actually saw h

nk,” None of m

said and then

car and followed h

nt inside. He made me sit in front of

oblem?" he sti

re I continued to swallow

said full

ed him annoyed. Earlier I noticed th

me, Del Mundo. You, what's

fter he returned to me the q

e difference with her and Thalia?" H

life, Chua!" I said firmly before

the worst decision I'v

We still have to talk." He viole

ove Thalia that


ave Ciann

long time but I can't. I promised to her parents that I woudn't left


I immediately fell on the t

u still love your life, leave my house right now

d? Why is he so mad at me whe

ou like my wife?" I as

r, Del Mundo! I love your wife!" he an

you!" I shouted befo

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