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Eight Cousins

Chapter 8 And what came of it

Word Count: 2257    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

it as soon as Iget my pocket-money," said Rose, c

y me. Come back here and help mesettle these books if you have nothing pleasanter to do," answered

head when Iread.""I shall shake my head when you write, if you don't do it betterthan you did in making out this catalogu

ting to a tipsy-looking title staggering down the page"Is that meant for 'Pulverized Bones,' ma'am?""No, sir; it's 'Paradise Lost

randum Aunt Plenty gave me, and seewhat a handsome plain hand that is. She went to a dame-schooland learnt a few useful things well; that is better than a smatteringof half a dozen so-called higher branches, I take the liberty ofthinking.""Well, I'm su

Why, uncle, we did study English grammar, and I could parsebeautifully. Miss Power used to have us up to show off whenpeo

Rosy, I don't pretend toset myself up for a model in anything, and you may come down onmy grammar, manners or morals as often as you think I'm wrong,and I'll thank you. I've been knocking about the world for years,and have got careless, but I want my girl to be what I callwell-educated, even if she studies nothing but the three 'Rs' for ayear to come. Let us be thorough, no matter how slowly we go."He spoke so earnestly and looked so sorry to have ruffled her thatRose went and sat on the arm of his chair, saying, with a pretty airof

arnbetter."This was one of Dr. Alec's hobbies, and Rose was afraid he was offfor a gallop, but he reined himself in and gave her thoughts a newturn by saying suddenly, as he pulled out a fat pocket-book"Uncle Mac has put all your affairs into my hands now, and here isyour month's pocket money. You keep your own little accounts

ght you would do all that fussy part and take care of thepounds, as you call them. Need I worry about it? I do hate sums,so!""I shall take care of things till you are of age, but I mean that youshall know how your property is manage

your eye on me, and in order to do that you must learnall about these affair

and then turned to thearithmetical pu

find that I have a good deal less than I had in thebeginning. Are you troubled in the peculiar way you mention?""Yes; it is ve

ht way. But please don't laugh! I know I'm verystupid, and my book is a disgrace, but I nev

m out a bit we should find things all right.""Please do, and then show me on a fresh leaf how to make minelook nice and ship-shape as yours do."As Rose stood by him watching the ease with which he

she asked suddenly, as he w

is a bad thing.""But I can give it away, you know; that is always the pleasantestpart of having it I think.""I'm glad you feel so, for you can do much good with your fortuneif you know how to use it well.""You shall teach me,

I'llhave an extra bitter dose for you next time, miss.""I knew you wanted to laugh, so I gave you a chance. Now, I willbe good, mas

the fire while the rain pours outside andAunt Jane lectures upstairs," said Uncle Al

the Miss Kenwigses take their Frenchlesson. She did her very best, feeling that she was

she asked very meekly,

hear you, for you readremarkably well," was the a

, for it is a rare accomplishment, and one I value highly. Comehere in this cosy, low chair; the light is better, and I can pull thesecurls if you go too fast. I see you are going to be a great comfort aswell as a great cre

to depart. Before theycould go to meet her, however, she appeared in the doorwaylooking like an unusua

trash. I do hope you feel the weight of theresponsibility you have taken upon yoursel

ster Jane," answeredDr. Alec, with a comical shrug

d all day, and Mac is still at his books, I've nodoubt, while you have not had a lesson s

ueer lessons, I fancy; and what have you learned from thisremarkable mixture, I should like to know?"A naughty sparkle came into Rose's eyes as she answered,

e saucers. Principal productions are porcelain, tea,cinnamon, shawls, tin, tamarinds and opium. They have beautifultemples and queer gods; and in Canton is the Dwelling of the HolyPigs, fourteen of them, very big, and all blind."The effect of this remarkable burst was immense, especially thefact last mentioned. It e

lebrother-in-law dancing a triumphal polka down the hall with

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