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Bloodlust: Tales of werewolves

Chapter 5 The full moon

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 10/07/2023

a sheet of cold sweat. Her throat, or what was left of it, was heavily bandaged and soaked through with blood. Tiny, green branched veins showed through her pape

nde hair was up in a ponytail. He held a mug of something hot in his hands. "Here, drink this," he murmured coaxingly "You'll feel better." She collected the mug from his hands without giving him so much as a glance and took a thirsty gulp. "Dr Makovsky is looking

roke through their shared silence. After a while, Beth sighed and rubbed her eyes. "You need sleep," Axel noted "You can crash in my room. I'll look after her, don't fret." "No, but I can't leave you here with a werewolf. What if she wakes up?" "I can take care of myself pretty well. Believe me,

n that laboratory, it's that Dr Makovsky positively hates being challenged. He's going to come for us, and the little girl too if he finds out what she is now. With a Werewolf he created roaming free and several of his scientists decamping, he is at his lowes

rry only about yourself and the future of that little girl on the stretcher over there." He rubbed her hands in both of his as they both stare into each other's eyes. "Promise me you'll keep yourself and the girl safe. Say it." After a moment's hesitation, Beth said "I promise, I-" She was loudly interrupted by a low, childlike growl from the direction of the stretcher. They both whirled towards the noise, although a part of them already knew what they would find. A child-sized werewolf sat on her haunches on the stretcher, her pajamas in shreds around her, the IV and drip lines ripped from her body and laying on the floor like white tendrils. Her fur was deep brown, the colour of melted chocolate, the colour of the hair of little Lauren that laid on the stretcher only a minute ago. Her eyes had turned yellow and slitted. She could have bee

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