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The Legendary Shadow Swordsman

Chapter 8 Demonicat (3)

Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 10/07/2023

of Demonicats, wand-wielding wizards, and ordinary Demonicats along with their captives, lay in front of Siegfrieds and Salveig. The scene l

of thinking..." Siegfrieds murmure

till possess the ability to thin

uly rema

on the Demonicat group, causing chaos among them. Salveig focused on freeing the

ts, along with five formidable Demonicats. Not only that, but there


nicats that were running towards Siegfrieds fell silent, their faces filled with confusion. Siegfrieds

o spells, with only a rare few capable of utilizing level three spells. Additionally, they could heal th

who seemed to be in a difficult situation. With Salveig's help, they managed to kill more Demonicats before the effects of

me face the Demonicats," Siegfrieds said, pointing


nd give you the opportunity to kill thos

ding to their plan. Siegfrieds captivated the attention of the Demonicat

s armed with weapons and healing potions. Although the distance was quite far, Si

of these five Demonicats, but Salveig easily dispatched the exis

... but with five knights like this... just surviving would be an inc

ly to help kill the surrounding Demonicats. Yes, it was what he wanted, but due

tch!" Salveig shou

onted the Demonicats. The change happened so rapidly that the Demonicats couldn't obstruct or respond in time. Siegf

ll from the Demonicat wizards, but Siegfrieds didn't have time to collect them. He decided to recover himself and assist Salveig in battl

we should be able to defeat them once they run out

ee the extent of these Demonicats' strength," S

e Demonicats and rescued the victims. They gathe


ftly approached the source of the sound, and a worried expression became evident on Salveig's face. S

the prisoners...

ers... are

especially because the voice

ed the intruders and kept a distance between them and the captives. The battle was easily won since there were onl

ly checked the condition of the prisoners. An elderly person lay s

me..." the elderly p

ke you to the city and heal you," S

lift the elderly person. His face was filled with anguish

h me. Let me go..." the eld

avering determination. "No, we

rly person out of danger. They shielded and tended to their wounds with the healing potions

roes," the elderly perso

xpress my grat

lderly person's words. They realized that their acti

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