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Love Rekindled – Her Killer Husband

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1004    |    Released on: 12/07/2023

er, the surprise in his eyes was gone the moment it came. And in order

spered. “I think I haven’t quit

her hand in his. “Don’t wor

Katrina had to remind herself again and again of the kind

the warmth from his hand traveling through her body. Hop

ious, just like her parents. She would like thing

was watching her movements. However, Katrina had to convince hersel

r ankle, an almost disappointed look flashing through his eyes “Then I thin

happy that he had to cancel the honeymoon. What ex

possible now, it won’t be a nice idea to idle away at home.” An

ster. It hasn’t been long since she passed away. We might as well use th

it was of him. He could go on a honeymoon with another woman immediately. That was to sho

She thought he had purposely ignored her feelings because he only like

g. Aaron turned out to be completel

her. “I know it is every woman’s dream to have a complete wedding. A honeymoon is important.” He paused. “But ac

ing hadn’t changed about him. His way of speaking. He was

esson in her life, it would be not falling for words. Many men were smoo

, Aaron left the

location, a new place in fact. And surprise hit her when Aaron took

dn’t been here befo

tables in the bedroom, a glass stand that stood in the

ved in. The same bedroom they we

ything, he didn’t

s belongings were

t was the kind of grief t

hard it would be to live here with e

portraits. They didn’t hurt him because he had been the cause of her sister’s death. A

her eyes wandering around

to her feet and moved toward the bedside table

efully, and all she could see i

ne she came across. A criminal would hide clues in the most unu

drawers, and when there was none left for her to loo

and paced for a while

he wouldn’t come out before she returned, right? He wouldn’t c

ollably. It was as if her mission had a deadline, and on

el it in her bones tha

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