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Ghost Husband

Chapter 2 The Haunting Beginnings

Word Count: 500    |    Released on: 12/07/2023

with an air of skepticism, had recently inherited this mysterious property from a distant relative. Eager to uncove

and whispers echoing through the corridors. At first, he dismissed them as mere figments of his imagination, attributing them to

ng him to shiver. Suddenly, a picture frame crashed to the floor, startling him from his thoughts. Heart pounding, he

d his fingers along its edges. Little did he know that this seemingly innocent

igure materialized before Revin's astonished eyes. It was Lena, the wom

es. He was mesmerized by her presence, unable to comprehend the supernatural real

with a mixture of sorrow and longing. "Trapped between the realms of the living and the

laced by a curious intrigue. "W

I cannot find peace until my unfinished business is resolved. Will y

also an unexplainable empathy towards Lena's plight. Despite his reserv

s and nodded. "I will help you, Lena. Together, we

age and resilience. Little did Revin know that his life would never be the same again, as he delved into

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