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Running From The Destiny

Chapter 3 1.2

Word Count: 3351    |    Released on: 15/07/2023

hen they are watching their whole world fall


sunset. The whole kingdom was bathed in a light pink colour. The su

he whole kingdom of Celeste knew that this was the time when all the crooks, thieves, and criminals escap

be able to hear her clearly but still the fear

go in with her but the dressmaker was taking her swee

They waited until the darkness finally settl

r thoughts. This made her slightly worried for Diana considered her thoughts

settled in. She tried to calm her nerves and told herself that

low cracked voice interr

see who it was but she refused to turn around. Mayb

led around to face the

man in the middle had dark black hair, the man on his right had his hair dyed an electric blue and the man on the left had no hair to look at. Their face

e herself but the glint in their eyes and the smir

d this fellow here is Caesar" T

r names? They are not your real names are they?" Dia

nymous and hates to leave a trail. Now, if you will come with me, quietly. I would

they we

us?" Taemia asked, her voice l

eered at her, his blue eyes standing out quite like his ele

nd so she let out a loud 'Help!' and waited for t

n come towards them but he was pulled back, hushed whispers rose and the jingling of coins was

ything for money don't you?

hrewd looks before she looked at Taemia an

a foolish move but apparently when you are on the brink of death all ra

hat those men could have wanted from them. She just hoped that he

for her brothers, no descendant of the clan had been shown in public. Even in the ballrooms, people rare

s was discovered then men may try to marry her for the sake of being part of

quickly instead of being the reason for a war. Diana wished s

w what it felt to breathe, like the waves hitting the sandy shoreline taking away the sandcastles with them. They ran like cheet

s closer than she had anticipated. Fingers wrapped around her braided hair and pulled at th

unch. Her fingers ached but the distraction cause

e other two goons rushing towards them. She

here footsteps began to fade, they still continued to run not knowing where they were running or where

them managed to t

rsed out as she ging

f language!" Taemia said sharply.

en intent on murdering us alright?" Diana hissed a

f this one okay?" Taemia s

ed and Taemia immediately grabbed her out

n wasn't unbearable but her ankle looked slightly twisted and appeared

glances behind as she helpe

alk?" She

wasn't an option so just she nodded her head trying

mumbling about finding a place safe for night

ey stood bare, looking lonely. The wind wasn't blowing and their footsteps echoed in the town. Even the trees refused to rustle and seemed as if t

ost stories and the tales of paranormal activities had escaped the

rself firmly yet the slightest of s

hispered as she glanced back to check

an animal. It was raw, loud, and pleading. Diana flinched, she had never hea

sked her voice holding ba

e. She felt fear rise in her stomach, and a sort of anticipation appeared in her thoughts. She stoppe

at something was going to happen but yet she was scared, frightened. Her thoughts buzzed like static and she

breaking Diana out of her reverie. The feelin

o fill up her sentence, to complete it so

Taemia asks lightly, an undercurre

na could finish her sentence,

family but that didn't mean that she had the looks of it. With deep violet eyes that looked almost black and chocolate brow

emia was hating her g

ia urged suddenly and Diana b

ce sounding hoarse and rough. In return

ct that it had been hurt and begin to thro

The man called out mockingly an

ep felt like a mile. Taemia had grabbed her arm and was

g them with roguish grins, a glint in their

to stall." Diana murmured her eyes fi

! I can't

n will harm me."Diana said trying to sound confident but it wasn't working. She knew that it was rational for

ried looks, Taemia asked her voice sounding

ile "Then you can have

still catcalling her and then at Diana. Diana was surprised to see the tears t

a suddenly took off. His friends laughed lou

Daymien," One of them said mockingly and procee

as if searching for someone "Where

one asked tipping his bottle down,

l is getting mad at me." Daymien sai

was killing her and not crying out in pain

ker. She was forced to bend her foot and now she was regretting it. She could feel it swelling and could almost imagine

away man. I thi

way she was hobbling? I think

her breath. Her throat was clogged up. Her mind ran through different po

were capable of hurting her, the most terrifying part was that she was alone. That there was no one around her. No

ed she

Then all of it began to fade, the voices, the sounds yet Diana's heart didn't calm down. Fear was

thing for eight hours and her hair felt ticklish against her ne

feeling a bit better and safer than she was moments ago. But was this si

comfort in silence and let out a br

face feeling her throat clog up and a scream making its way up, trying to come

. Her foot hit the wooden corner of the cart and howled si

hock. No one had ever dared to lay a hand on her. No one. Her cheek throbbed with the aftereffects and

mien laughed at motioned for his friends to come

these men were low pieces of scum who didn't deserve to even lick her shoes clean. She

ly only to be interrupted as he s

this. She hated not being in control. She hated feeling so helpless. She hated

. Daymien laughed at her and Diana memorized his face and his voice. She would get mak

Daymien said as he gave her a sneer, h

s eyes and tears filled Diana's eyes. Th

he night, it was much worse than that for it had no stars. It was the kind that would make a person think that he was blin

c his grip left her and she backed away as qui

w his friends stagger around in confusion b

med to whisper in the darkness. The voice w

ing the way her ankle threatened to buckle underneath her

nd she ran from herself and even when she fell,

her heart was trying to claw its way out, she felt as if she was drowning. Her chest heaved and pained. Her lungs refused to tak

d broken, and bouts of vomit around her. She was still gasping for air bu

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