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Shattered Reflections

Chapter 6 Whispers

Word Count: 2451    |    Released on: 15/07/2023


f as I confronted Ethan, my eyes fixed on his face

the pregnancy.” he said, watching me, h

belief, and a lingering sense of hatredp coursed through my veins. I couldn't believe he had

ok pleasure in my suffering, finding satisfaction in the notion

d him, my eyes narrowing in on his face, searching for any flicker o

z into my apartment, casting judgment and disdain upon me as if you possess some superior mora

of my piercing gaze. It seemed that my words were finally penetratin

etorted, "It was your choice, after all, to keep that baby. Perhaps you thoug

ounding slap across his face, channeling all the strength I could muster. The impact stung not o

nctively reaching up to soothe the sting on his cheek. My own hand throbbed with a mix of pain an

replaced by a flicker of surprise and vulnerability. It was a rare glimpse b

with a cold, calculated demeanor. "You always were a fiery one, Emma. But you're deluding yourself if you thi

I found myself in. The weight of his dismissive attitude pressed up

is, Ethan, but I am stronger than you give me credit for. "I will face the consequences of my actions, but I will not allow you to define my worth,

ou the last chance to

ry as I interrupted him. "Do not dare to call my child a bastard or reduce them to a m

ills, the tension palpable in the air. Finally

sum of money to settle your final papers and bills, on one condition: that you remove the child

pport he offered could alleviate some of the immediate burdens weighing me down. I figured I could help my f

anipulation and disregard for the life growing within me. It was an opportunity to escape the burdens a

some of the burdens that threatened to consume me. But I couldn't stand h

o amount of money can erase the value and worth of my child. I will not sacrifice their life for

's expression hardened, a mixture of frustration and disappointment crossing his fac

for Ethan to leave. "Our discussion ends here, Ethan. I will no longer entertain

ad caught him off guard, challenging his assumptions about my intentions and strength. Without uttering another

air, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. Before closing the do

make it clear that I never had any intention of using a child to gain access to your wealth.

ef mingled with a newfound sense of empowerment, like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The encounter with Eth

a reminder of the toll the day had taken on my body and mind. I knew that rest was essential, not

the solace of sleep. Slipping under the covers, I closed my eyes, willing my troubled thoughts

gh my bedroom window, a familiar sound pierced the tranquility of the room. It was the alarm clock, dutifully fulfilling its purpose

red in the air. Although the wounds of abortion and heartache still seared

ctory that came from asserting my autonomy and refusing to be controlled by the toxicity of the past. However, the pain of not b

, I held onto the belief that I had made the best decision I could at that moment. It was a decision born out of love,

ound peace in the routine of my morning rituals. After taking my showers, I placed

nce, I stood before the mirror, meeting my own g

uld get som

My initial intention was to quickly warm the canned food but cha

it on the gas top. While waiting for it to be ready, I made o

s surrendering to the warmth and moisture. As they softened and expanded, I ca

m the refrigerator, I chopped vibrant tomatoes, aromatic garlic, and fragrant herbs. The cutting board became a stage for a sym

ed, releasing its captivating fragrance as it mingled with the oil. Then, with a flourish, I added the diced tomato

transferred the cooked spaghetti to the pan, allowing the tendrils to become enveloped in the tantalizing embrace of the sauce.

a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. In this humble meal,

, adorned with a sprinkle of grated cheese and a garnish

fter which I was done, I moved to the mirror to check my dressing. Thoroughly sa

students hurried to their classes. I, too, walked with purpose, expecting a typical day of studying qui

ticed furtive glances and hushed conversations, and an inexplicable feeling of unease washed over m

he strange atmosphere that seemed to envelop me. Just as I was abou

mix of surprise and amusement. His words were followed

her friends, her tone tinged with disbelief. "You wo

r what they were talking about. What had caused me to be


r.” A blue eyed bl

he distracting thoughts and curious glances. It was a struggle to concentrate, as

n't know what I

g to meet up with my second hustle when I che

ipped me, it didn't take a m

one?” She scream

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