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Howl of the rejected

Chapter 5 Meeting the Lycan

Word Count: 1538    |    Released on: 19/07/2023


looking at me. Their eyes felt li

uld also reject her. How would someone lik

ade. He can’t do this to me. It i

why me mo

away as fast as anything f

mmed the door. He will explai

y are you doing this to me?” I demanded. He stopped his s

hing to you,” he re


nk you have the rig

we are mates! I deserve respect

immediately I found out you were my mate. Now you are acting like a sp

ng into my palms. “You don’t under

ther. I don’t care if you rejected me. Ho

e decided to pair us doesn’t mean I a

e you” he smiled and cuppe

im with disgust. He grabbed me by my neck and i

into my features. “You don’t even know m

smile on his face. “I don’t

y would ever want a mate like you. Nothing good can ever come o

ble” he continued and let

a Ca

. It’s just that…I don’t want to be here either. It should be clear to you. I di

ke to be burden with responsibility I didn’t ask for.

le bit softer. “But I can choose who I want to be with. And it

as she turned to leave. “Fine” s


n can be compared to the ones his pack has ever made me

k members staring at me with ugly smiles on th

only happen if I leave the mansion and everyone around. I turned away from

mbers are around the bar, they’ve all probably left for Cade’s celebration in the hall. I reached for an empty bag and packed as many alcohol


nees closer to my chest and dropped the 8th bottle of brandy down. I don’t seem to get drunk yet and I badly want to. Even if I’ll fall off

her existence that if I could see her righ

the moon goddess chose her to be

me. As the voice drew nearer, I

to be seen by

r? Could she be ar

r once I

possible to wherever my legs are carrying me to.

and I can tell I am being chas

st that I could barely hear my foots


The weather is so cool to meditate. I slowly raised my ha

y. I turned to my left side where the energy came from. I need

d two young ladies chasing after a young girl that was just few kilometers away fr

got her and began to beat her. I stared at them wit

eat someone with

nd raised her hand to strike her on the g


mething like a long branch of tree from nowhere wr

o attack me and the same thing happened to her. She tried using her other hand to pull whatever that

watch the tree wrap their bodies more

hispered as I stepped back,

f I am

ound and to

face, I doubt if they will survive that thing. The fe

no one to turn to, but I ca

umbled underbrush, I suddenly heard a

erful Lycan around, heard about his dominance and power but I've never expected to meet him like this. He began to take slow steps towards me and I walk back s

” I asked, my

cus” his voice l

territory. What a

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