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Fated Alpha: The Rejected Queen

Chapter 4 THREE PART 1

Word Count: 2267    |    Released on: 17/07/2023


sity of our connection could no longer be denied. It was time to fulfill our desir

k clearly slipping away as quickly as hers. T

ake it anymore. I feel li

e car door, but it took all my strength to guide us

ver, straddling my legs. Her words sent a surg

ed to interject, b

y times have you pleasured y

ally noticed. I had kept my distance, believing that was what she wa

legs, ripping apart my jeans like flimsy barriers. "And every single time, the burning ache

my core. The urgency in her touch matched the fervor pulsating thr

pleasure and anticipation coursing through me. But I needed to hear her words, to comprehe

ating blend of pleasure and pain. "You must claim me, possess me com

eyes glowed with an untamed hunger, mirroring my own. I had to make her grasp t

arned, my voice laced with a mix of desire and caution,

unquenchable fire. The intensity between us reached its apex, an

and filled with primal intensity. "Once I'm inside you,

egan, her words trailing off as

e, no matter what. I don't back down, I don't walk away. And I'll keep fucking you, claiming you, ove

her closer, my grip on her tightening, as I locked eyes with

," I challenged, a smi

r voice trembling with a mix of desir

mating heat, on the verge of a breakdown, she asserted her alpha n

intensity of our first kiss sent shivers down my spine and ignited a fire within me that burned with an

w the consequences; I wanted to ignite in the flames of our shared passion and burn until there was nothing left b

sire. The heat radiating from her core seared through the fabric of my jeans, branding me with the undeniable impri

s down her jawline and traced the contours of her neck, marking her as mine, leaving an indelible mark that spoke of our insa

olliding in a symphony of lust and longing. It felt as if we were experiencing our first time together, even though we had journeyed this path before. With every to

onto my lap with unrelenting force. We were beyond the realm of gentle pleasure; this

in a tempestuous rhythm. Every impact fueled the flames of desire, pushing us closer to the edge of sa

ve, driving me to push her limits further. My hand ventured between us, fingers delving into her wetness, navigating the slick

zy of need and desire, our senses overwhelmed by the raw power of our connection. It was a wil

ay, leaving only the fire that burned between us, consuming us with an intensity that defied all logic. In

oice fueled a fire within me, igniting an intensity unlike anything I had experienced befo

I swiftly undid my pants, freeing myself from the confines that separated us. The anticipation crackled in the

ful exchange, conveying a silent understanding of the imminent explosion of passion that awaited us. I needed h

re, "let go and trust me." Every fiber of my being yearned to merge with her, to lose ourselves in the

re no longer two separate entities, but a fusion of carnal energy. With a shared understanding, w

t, a mischievous glint sparked in her eyes

of urgency. "Once we're in a safe place, we'll unleash ou

I rewarded her compliance by teasingly rubbing my finger against her sensitive clit. Her g

my finger, positioning myself at her entrance. With an insistent push,

timate dance." A smile graced her face as she grasped my head, pulling me toward her mouth. The insta

erwhelming desire to give her more, to push her further. Our lips remained locked in a frenzied dance as I thrust into her with unyielding force. It was a raw, u

f watching her lose herself completely to the pleasure coursing through her body. My fingers trace

her voice filled with

d back slightly, just enough to reply, "Tak

rmination, she took charge, bouncing vigorously on my lap. Her movements were a wild mix of intensity, speed, and even a hint o

bbling her skin, fully aware of the intoxicating effect it had on a wolf in the grip of

abelle," I commanded, reminding her of the place she needed to be. Anger flickered in her eyes,

o a realm of ecstasy. "Though we may not exchange a blood bite tonight, I will claim your mouth later. I'

ined as we continued our intense lovemaking. With each thrust, she reached new heights of pleasure, culminating in another p

r that matched my own. "Go for it," I encouraged, my voice laced with urgency, c

satiable longing. In that fleeting moment, we acknowledged

he heavens,

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