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Round the World in Seven Days

Chapter 2 EASTWARD HO!

Word Count: 2585    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

s father's park near Cosham. There stood the large shed in which he housed the aeroplane; adjoining it were a number of worksh

Rodier on a bicycle in another, their purposeful movements betokening a

ering the house, found his mother placidly knit

ppeared; "how late you are, and how

mother," he replied cheerfully;

ight with us for ever so long, a

oke in hastily. "We were caught in a m

e going to his room put his hea

then? Come to my room in ten minutes, will you

e was bathed and dressed wi

tapped. "You've got a pretty cool

fateful paragraph. Kate went a little pale as sh

hold of to-morrow's paper, and if the paragra

e, or call. They are

her, don't you? Keep the servants' mouths shut. And I want you to write for

ou, Ch

t; must see what can be don

he has been looking forward to you

telephone message. The Mater is so used to th

y! But I'm afraid Mother will notice

l. You take your cue

ribing his sudden descent on Firtop Farm and his interview with the farmer so racily that his mother laughed gently, and even Kate, for all

low, asking to see Mr. Smith upon particular business. Smith slowly li


wkins give me first a pink pa

ss he'll hold his

to-morrow, he said. Th

per and stroke as hard as you can. I do

the dining-ro

at once. Too bad, isn't it, spoiling our

usiness, Charley?"

; something about

end on your things to the

go there, after all. Nuisance ha

it with an overall, emptied his cash-box into his pocket, an

y the way, there's a globe in the shed I want you to send back to Dawkins, the school-master

nt many fruitless hours, and, on a bench, a small geographical globe of the world. Taking up a piece of string, he made certain measurements on the globe, jotting down sundry names and rows of figures on a

ansport, motor if possible: if not, horses.-I say, Central, don't cut me off, please. Yes, I know my time's up: I'll renew.-You there, Billy? That all right?... No, that's not all. I want you to meet me on Epsom Downs about midnight.... Yes, coming by 'plane.... Wait a bit. Bring with you four bottles of bovril, couple of pounds meat lozenges, half-dozen tins sardines, bottle of brandy-yes, and soda, as you say; couple of pounds chocolate, two tins coffee and milk.... No: I say, hold

ver, and turned to fi

, "we've got two hour

e turbines and the propeller-not a square inch of the machinery escaped their attention. When their task was finished they were as hot and dirty as engine-drivers. They washed at a sink, filled two stone jars with water and placed them in the cage, adjusted the wind screens, an

ike you, Roddy?" he said,

nchman. "What I mean, it will be

cool. At any rate we can start

hem within sight of the dull red glare northward that betrayed London. Smith had so often made this journey that, even if the stars had been invisible, he cou

saw in a minute or two a small red flame flickering in the midst of a dark expanse. Every second it grew larger as they approached; Smith did not doubt it was the bonfire which he had asked his friend

ted; "they call me a hustler, but you've hustled

returned Smith with the

bovril, the who

the m

to get them. All the shops wer

the bu

m out of the library. Posted a cheque to pay for 'em, but

uch things with impunity. That's why I

he threads of multifarious interests, he was very human at bottom, and Smith liked him all the be

beggar? Are you off to reorganiz

the Solomo


ave a shot at helping

d or done for long before you can get there.

the Australian ports, and so help 'em to keep their end up until the

r it is? It's thirteen

ys to get there and back; then my leave's up. I can

t-well, upon my soul, you take my breath away. I'm

out, Roddy and I. We've more than once done a speed of a hundred and ninety. Of course it's


ten has it

ven't done thirteen t

t your help. I want you to arrange for eighty gallons of petrol and sixteen of oil, to be ready for me at three places besides Constantinopl

k 'em up the first t

in Constantinople soon after eight to-morrow-our time; and I must

n. You mean to keep me up all night. There you are, man; it's abs

ll have to take

storm; suppose the engine breaks

ome down and wait till it's over. Of course any accident may stop us, even a speck of grit in the engine; but you're the last man in the world to be put off a thing by any bogey o

d. Send me a wire when you land, will you,

Good-bye, old m

o his seat when there came the sound of galloping hors

the Epsom Fire Brigade,

make a big one to make sure

d on the lever until the

from his seat, looking from the motor-car to the

ried Smith; "I'll le

ng hum into the air. Smith glanced down and saw the fireman facing Barracombe, his annoyance being evid

m-mine; it's about my only r-r-recreation. M-m-my name? Certainly. My name's William bub-bub-Ba

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