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The Wrong Alpha - A Twist of Fate?

Chapter 2 Lilah

Word Count: 2623    |    Released on: 19/07/2023

of my pillow, I felt so tired, but the persistent banging around downstairs, I assumed from my parents,

bed to make its way to my bedside ta

ch for my mobile phone, a morning ritual by now........ a good morning boo text waiting for

My plan had been to get up early and be over at L

h breakfast Lilah! And likely be overrun with visitors for his birthday and that's assuming Uncle Grayson hasn't

n to get to see Logan and start celebrating his special day with him I hea

ing my make up while sitting in my underwear at the dressing table in my bedroom, then threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white

much run from my room knowing I wanted to get to my Logan as fast I could. I got to the bottom the stairs in our house as fa

coffee, which for this time of day in the week seemed odd in itself, my Dad being

. As I walked past them I could sense them watching me, and let's just say the atmosphere in the room could be de

g was weird for my Mum and Dad as they were normally laughing and joking or hugging and kissing, which y

t wanting to get to see Logan and start enjoying his birthday with him. I walked across our brightly lit kit

ve some breakfast with us?"

when I spoke to him meant I saw the loaded look he gave to my Mum, and it was a weird one, something is going on........I sai

mes friends and family used for me " I'm sure Logey can wait a

ust wanted to get on my way to see Logan, I was already way behind my planned schedule, I wanted to be there for when he shifted fo

most families do it as it's a special moment in our werewolf lives, but Logan had begged me to make sure I was there for the next time he would shift as he wa

gift from the kitchen worktop and walked out of the door before

ed to myself, knowing he'd either b

ke me a minute to check if he was home. I hopped over the small fence they had around the garden like I always did

reached the front door in no time at all and knocked hard on the door on the off chance that p

initely getting warm

anyone is home, maybe I

eans and dial the familiar number of my boyfriend and soon to be ma

ways answered for me, but I wasn't going to let it bother me, it was his birthday today, and a special birthday at th

a and always wanted to be in work early, not quite a trait Logan had inherited or appreciated just yet but certainly one Alpha Grayson enforced upo

o spend time there while Uncle Grayson went to work in his office. The Pack House unfortunately was a little further awa

rees in the gardens of some of the nearby houses. I was walking at a quicker pace, more a jog now, doing my best to get to Logan a

can live there in the dorm style rooms, there is a full top floor which is for more senior wolves, and I know Logan plans to take the Alpha suite when he turns eighteen, there are kitchens, a large din

live in with my family, and settle there to bring up a family, so it isn't unusual for mealtimes to be had at home with your own family; tho

pack offices – one for the Alpha, my Dad's (the Beta) and also the Gamma's office

, but the Pack House is the most welcoming place to walk into when you're a member of the pack, always the smel

ways someone there to talk to...... I am almost at a run as I approach the large

sed to exercise it was more likely because I knew the moment has almost arrived to see Logan and have

r patrol for the day, he looks at me, normally he'd greet me with a friendly smile, but instead today he greets me with a qu

birthday, why you asking why I'm here, surely you know? Serious

nnoyance though, focusi

I explain, though feeling like I am r

thing with his eyes, shrug

rthday, give him a kiss and give him his gift....I've thought so long over what to get for him, wanting to

busier than usual for this time of day, though I guess that was to be expected with it being the

nstead of the friendly smiles I'm used to I was getting awkward smiles, people avoidin

Logan so I head to the main lounge area, knowing his favourite seat in there is the most likely place he'd be right

, which is full of many of our pack members chatting and laughing, but as I do an eerie

at on his favourite chair, the big black recliner armchair, almost in the centre of the room – his favourite he once told me because of how comfy it was, but also because of how soft the red flu

his knee is Anya Beckett, daughter of our Gamma. Logan's eyes are staring intently into hers, hers gazing back into hers as she giggles and traces her

g overtime, yet Logan doesn't even seem to have registered that I have walked into the room!! He is MY b

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1 Chapter 1 Lilah2 Chapter 2 Lilah3 Chapter 3 Logan4 Chapter 4 Lilah5 Chapter 5 Lilah6 Chapter 6 Logan7 Chapter 7 Lilah8 Chapter 8 Logan9 Chapter 9 Logan10 Chapter 10 Lilah11 Chapter 11 Lilah12 Chapter 12 Lilah13 Chapter 13 Lilah14 Chapter 14 Lilah15 Chapter 15 Lilah16 Chapter 16 Lilah17 Chapter 17 Lilah18 Chapter 18 Lilah19 Chapter 19 Lilah20 Chapter 20 Lilah21 Chapter 21 Lilah22 Chapter 22 Lilah23 Chapter 23 Lilah24 Chapter 24 Lilah25 Chapter 25 Lilah26 Chapter 26 Lilah27 Chapter 27 Anya28 Chapter 28 Trent29 Chapter 29 Deyton30 Chapter 30 Lilah31 Chapter 31 Lilah32 Chapter 32 Lilah33 Chapter 33 Lilah34 Chapter 34 Knox35 Chapter 35 Lilah36 Chapter 36 Knox37 Chapter 37 Indie38 Chapter 38 Dan39 Chapter 39 Indie40 Chapter 40 Lilah41 Chapter 41 Knox42 Chapter 42 Lilah43 Chapter 43 Knox44 Chapter 44 Knox45 Chapter 45 Lilah46 Chapter 46 Jake47 Chapter 47 Lilah48 Chapter 48 Gabriel49 Chapter 49 Gabriel50 Chapter 50 Lilah51 Chapter 51 Gabriel52 Chapter 52 Knox53 Chapter 53 Knox54 Chapter 54 Knox55 Chapter 55 Knox56 Chapter 56 Jake57 Chapter 57 Knox58 Chapter 58 Knox59 Chapter 59 Lilah60 Chapter 60 Knox61 Chapter 61 Lilah62 Chapter 62 Indie63 Chapter 63 Dan64 Chapter 64 Knox65 Chapter 65 Dan66 Chapter 66 Knox67 Chapter 67 Knox68 Chapter 68 Knox69 Chapter 69 Knox70 Chapter 70 Lilah71 Chapter 71 Knox72 Chapter 72 Lilah73 Chapter 73 Knox74 Chapter 74 Lilah75 Chapter 75 Knox76 Chapter 76 Lilah77 Chapter 77 Knox78 Chapter 78 Knox79 Chapter 79 Lilah80 Chapter 80 Knox81 Chapter 81 Lilah82 Chapter 82 Knox83 Chapter 83 Knox84 Chapter 84 Lilah85 Chapter 85 Lilah 86 Chapter 86 Knox87 Chapter 87 Knox88 Chapter 88 Lilah89 Chapter 89 Knox90 Chapter 90 Lilah91 Chapter 91 Knox92 Chapter 92 Knox93 Chapter 93 Knox94 Chapter 94 Knox95 Chapter 95 Lilah96 Chapter 96 Lilah97 Chapter 97 Knox98 Chapter 98 Lilah99 Chapter 99 Lilah100 Chapter 100 Manuel