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Chapter 3 What are you

Word Count: 713    |    Released on: 22/07/2023


sighed and opened the door. She met eyes with Eden, he was her seatmate in biology class, he was attractive but a low key attractive, Lilith was about to collect the package when she saw his mouth open wide, he was surprised and he said mouth agape, your hair. Lilith then collected the package and slammed the door locking it. She threw the pizza on the parlor table and ran to the living room mirror and saw her hair turning brown. Lilith was shocked he touched her face and saw her green eyes turn hazel. She looked different. Lilith was dumbfounded and said what is happening. Then she heard the voice again say 'don't worry this is stage two' Lilith then asked what is stage three she replied saying 'seeing ghost' Lilith was shocked in the mirror she saw a lady whose eyes was opened wide and was crying blood passed the mirror. Lilith was shocked then the voice said 'do not look them in the eye and apply coconut oil your hair and a dot on the edge of your eyes' while Lilith did it, she asked why were they pouring the oil on the hair .she replied saying 'your hair needed it' Lilith rolled her eyes 'then raina said 'the cute guy is nice'. Lilith walked up the stairs and was feeling hot and cold at the same time. Then she as

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