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Sabotage in Space

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2041    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

Major Connel. "G

rbett has not been in his hotel since last night, sir," he said. "He was seen leaving t

g to the main air lock of the Polaris, Ma

s foolishness as I'm going to take. When that young spa

't be too hard on the lad. How do you kno

Connel. "One of those th

ur life," re

othing to do with his behavior as a cadet. I ordered him to go to that hotel and rest

were the best crew you e

d about Corbett! He's a fine lad. But look at it this way. I have to return to Atom City immediately. Corb

d furiously, "And furthermore, I have more importa

olaris. As it drew near, he saw the insigne of the Solar Guard on the hood. His

oned Devers, "go

see, we

astic blister was thrown back, and another Solar Gu

uard headquarters, Ma

"Excuse me, Carter," he muttered and stepp


roared the order to the waiting gr

n a minute later, all ports were sealed and the Polaris was ready for space. In the pilot's c

chair next to Connel, the ship was quivering with leashed

five, four, thre

ng through the thin atmosphere above Mars on course for Earth, far across the dee

paceport. They had been in contact with Connel during his trip back to Earth and had already tol

stolen a rocket sc

and Astro blowing wide open, Corbett disappeari

three are really in trouble now. Conne

ll go so far as to ask

nnel doesn't, I will be forced to. No other unit has had more of an opportunity t

ave good explanatio

they've had before," replied Walters. "F

s jet car and Strong fo

s Major Connel and Carter Devers climbed out of the open hatch. Without even the court

Walters. "Climb in. We've got something

e for me, I know," he said. "I'll leave

gment and climbed into the c

id the Solar Guard captain. "You're to get in

, and with a wave of his han

date on the incident at the hangar leading to the arrest of Pat Troy. When the

Connel, taking comm

m and sat down in the indicated chai

le, Troy," began Connel. "So I suggest that you tell us t

best of my ability, sir," said Troy calmly

Connel. "Now, who a


Connel. "Who paid you

tted any sabotage

hat you wrecked


ou knew about the special unit that Professor Hemmingwell ha

he unit-yes, si

you?" deman

u both discussi


ng. I heard you talking about the unit, and after you left, I happened to find a blueprint on the table. It coincided with what you had been

you had read the pr

. "If he had, I would h

thing to do with the so-called accide

, s

know w

, s

you know, and get the truth

me answer, sir," T

one side of the room and talked in

ers, "do we give

Commander," said Steve, "but I t

t that we let him loose, and even let him

ldn't give h

the doubt to a man any time,"

at he was not to leave the restricted area. And he was only permitted to wo

, sir. That's fine with me," he said. "And

ped Connel. "We're capable of h

ain. "Very well

s and the foreman walked o

he receivers on Mars, with Connel lauding young Lieutenant Sl

at the end of the year," he said. "If he has

. At the same time, he was a little fearful of bringing up the subject of the Polaris unit, in the face of what Astro and Roger had ju

r mind about Corbett's disappeara

off. "Do I th


those three boys, but tell me, how long can this go on? The

a good reason," Stron

give us the reason fi

ave time and time again committed us to take action, to get them out of situations that they ini

ed, a lump in his throat-"it will be t

, "I intend to see that all three

addressed the commander. "I request permiss

've been talking about, Steve. You want to leave to go to

litary courtesy and turned to leave without the courtesy of a salute or permission to do so. C

u wanted something you believed to be right,

pped the major. "And I'd get my rockets

ck to the desk where they continued the

opened and Professor Hemmingwell burst into the room, his smoc

out. "Someone has blown up the

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