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BLOOD MOON: The Lycan Alpha's Little Witch

BLOOD MOON: The Lycan Alpha's Little Witch

Author: C.D Peters

Chapter 1 They all want me dead!

Word Count: 2617    |    Released on: 22/07/2023



the loud sound of the music's uproar that was

t nightclub in Bournville, basically everyone from our college went here including a bunch of hormonal highschool teenagers with fake IDs and just want to prove to their peers that they are bad enough. Comp

make new friends or have a good time. No, that wasn't the case here. I think I'm actually quite fun to hang with and I bet anyone would love to be friends with me but the real reason I didn't have any friends was just because no one could really stick around to understand my already fucked up life except Iris. She always stuck around. She was more tha

ke this?" I asked as we both started to danc

But wait, Landon Brettman! Of course I remember Landon Brettman, it would be impossible to forget someone as annoying and lousy as him. Landon was a spoil

hare one with him. Landon looked more like one of those stereotypical 90s jocks if I'

xpressing my disgust about the thought of her and Landon toget

ght of meeting her mate, destined to her by the moon goddess. Yes, Iris is a werewolf and yes, all those stories you were probably told in the dark or around silly campfires by older kids just to

of them? Was she part of the red circle? No, the red circle couldn't have possibly tracked me, I had made sure those witches coul

ak out or anything but I think the girl by the bar

I spoke about, while I instantly regretted that I had even mentioned it to her. Oh

looking at the girl wearing a leathered black outfit with braided brown hair. She had a

er, she shouldn't be going through all of this mess that I have been dragging her into for the past fifteen years. The monsters weren't after her, as

charm bracelet to bind my witch powers and so far it worked, I managed to keep off the red circle's radar at the very least. The red circle is a coven of very highly trained mercenary witches, they have been after me for a lot of personal reaso

onna follow" I faked smiled. I knew I wasn't imagining the whole thing. I was about seventy percent sure that the

p?" Iris questione

h the dancing wave of people and then went out the club t

g at me as I took out my silver dagger from my boot. I carried it everywhere I went, it belonged to my mom and whenever I hel

the old British voice that came from behind me. I

was in her late twenties or early thirties, she wore dark makeup and had lots of tatt

on I already knew the answers to. Sh

ers. They all wanted me just like my mom warned me fifteen years ago before she was murder

mentioned that he could be of some assistance to me. But this wasn't like in the fairy tales where the prince charming suddenly swoops in to save the poor damsel in distress and they ride into the sunset on a magical unicorn, those stories a

an me, well every monster I ever came across was. Compared to them I was little and it always gave me

no, I don't know the answer to that. Yes I knew they badly wanted me dead but

inquired, dying to know

just simply hard to resist. I'm wondering how your blood would taste'' she spoke i

s powerful as yours. It's a real pity you are still too young but don't be scared little one, It will be a quick and painless death.

anyone is going to miss you that much'' she laughed back at my words then looked back at me with pitch black e

ing up against. A memory of one of the very few lessons my dad taught me struck my thoughts. He told me 'the batt

heard bones snapping and slowly she turned into this huge creature looming over me. She attacked me with

e what they say about time flying fast when you are having fun and it not flying fast when you ar

osing and I was losing fast. I was violently shoved to the floor with my dagger thrown only the goddes

e started to shift into her white wolf. No Iris please get away, I would never be able to forgive myself if she got hurt be

Iris bought me enough time to grab my silver dagger and with the element of surprise I struck the wendigo right in the heart as

or human flesh, well actually monsters weren't ever born, they were made. Long story cut short they messed up with a very powerful witch so the witch cursed them to be monsters wit

ead?" Iris questioned me, wearing an oversize

catch my breath, packing a hand

ty hard." I placed my hand on her

e really needed to stop risking her life for me, I would have scolde

oods and bury it before someone see

ent straight to the apartment where we lived. It was closer to campus. I found it difficult to even close my eyes and fall asleep, today another mon


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