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Word Count: 1388    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

f fiery maples and sumac until it reached the barren hillside below "Who'd 'a' Thought It." Th

and thin. They were anxiously awaiting the revelation of the future as disclosed by Aunt Melvy

dge done start him in plumb at de foot up at de 'ca

id Annette. "Of course he's going to work for him b-between t

y; "dere nebber was nobody come

ual opportunity of descanting upon such an absorbing subject. "Father told Judge Hollis he would help him

e. "And isn't it grand he's going to be

ves. "Was he ever here before?" she asked in puzzled ton

that high fence b-back of the Hollises' without touching it. I d-drove dad's buggy clear up over the curbstone y

rotested Ruth. "And, beside

nette. "And if I don't know him,

e to encourage the fire with a

usly. "Can you really tell what's

t she was g-going to have some g-good luck, and the v-ve

wine on five year. Dat's what made me think I wuz gwine git religion; but hit ain't come yit not yit.

your visions,"

but he said 't warn't nothin' but de fidgits. I knowed better 'n he did dat time. Dat night I had a division, an' de dream say, 'Put on yer purple mournin'-dress an' set wid yer feet in a barrel ob b'ilin' water till de sm

tell fortunes by pal

e plantation what's done burned down now, an' I lubed my missus I sutenly did. When my ole man fust come here from de country I nebber seen sech a fool. He didn't know no more 'bout courtin' dan nothin'; but I wuz better qualified. I jus'

oiling yet?" asked A

. She dropped a few tea-leaves in three china cups, and then with great

with a wry face, had drained the conten

about a lover with b-blue eyes and an I

gwine be a farmer's wife," she said, chuckling at the

the other girls laughed

, now, 'pears to me he's sorter dark-compl

red Annette. "

ed Martha, pushing he

of the cup. "You done drinked up yer fortune. Dat's de sign ob early death. I gwine fix y

ll me anything?"

Aunt Melvy, "'cep'n' to warn you to

th, with an incredul

en she rose and took it to the window, with fearsome, anxious looks at Ruth me

" Ruth demanded. "Am I g

uperstition of her race embodied in her trembling figure. "What I


she was looking over the cup i

if a gallus lak dey hang de niggers on! But hit's dere,

as she looked

t for

nt to no one person: but hit's in yer

er face was pale and her eyes were troubled. Ruth saw her nervousn

shness. Besides, I g-got the worst of it. I'd rather die

you chillun some good-luck bags. De fust time de new moon holds water I's

e watched them until they wer

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