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Blood and roses

Blood and roses



Word Count: 1383    |    Released on: 12/09/2023

ory began with hesitant smiles and stolen glances ea

n awfully long while since I've seen g

the biggest smile he could offer, I noticed the wrinkles underneath his eyes

she's doing very well" I replied, I saw the sadness evident in his eyes ; "she doesn't deserve this life 'my little girl", when he noticed the gloomy atmosphere he tried to lighten the mood, well lets get your bags in pardon my manners,

myself, I could remember grandpa laughing at me that I couldn't do without the doll cause I was a scaredy cat and I told him I can do without it only to end up hugging it so tight to sleep, it was indeed a fun memory then in another portrait we were all there: grandpa, mom, dad and little Beatrice; my sister

laid there while grandpa told the best stories known to human kind and I would sit up engrossed in each stories till mom com

the hospital, I broke, I remember being in so much tears and becoming stone cold using smiles to cover up my pain. I was brought back from my land of thoughts and I walked over an

wering I sighed, I guess she has her way of dealing

augh and thrilling conversations with grandpa, suddenly he started coughing for a long times so I offered him water and he thanked me. When dinner was over he stood up and took some pills,

you, I'm sure you'll no longer be the same after you hear it! He excla

orrow" and I nodded in agreement, He gave me a goodnight ki


the aroma had some magic in it to snap you up your feet ,dya sleep well?". You know me so well grandpa I laughed my night was good. After taking my first bite I fell in love all over again "grandpa this is so go

eluctant so I headed over and cooed the baby and immediately the baby started giggling and clinging unto my arm, "oh my she never giggles that much to someone she just met and she has been cryi

y eyes met with a pair graceful eyes and in front of me stood the most handsome man to ever exist, "you seem a bit lost mind if I help you around", I was dumbfounded um.. su.. sure I looked at his name tag "sure thing Ryan" ,oops! I forgot to introduc

ou knew you guys have a connection that would la

get drinks and I told him how I came here to stay wit

it was time to leave I lingered for

y?", it was okay, I really enjoyed the view and made a new friend I smiled, his name is RYAN. "why the smil

y and every drop of the story took me to anot

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