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Legacy Feud: Brothers' Ruin.

Chapter 2 The Fractured Heirs

Word Count: 640    |    Released on: 25/07/2023

sity between his sons, Edward and William, only deepened. The legacy

with discord and division rather than wealth and prosperity. The city watched in sorrow as th

e, separate from the other, with his share of the inheritance. Edward had taken control of the family's primary business ventures, expanding them with ruthless det

ence, but the atmosphere crackled with tension as the brothers exchanged icy glances across the room. Despite their disagreements, th

folded. Edward stood before the audience, the

e Hawthorne family, continuing my father's legacy of greatness. Our businesses h

t Edward was trying to overshadow his contributions to the community

le sneer, "but not all legacies are measured in wealth and business. Art and phil

the brothers. A hushed murmur swept through the crowd,

unced a rare and exquisite painting by a renowned artist, and both brothers knew they had to have it. As the bidding war escalat

o unprecedented heights, but neither brother was willing to back down. As the tension reached its peak,

time, bidding an astronomical sum. The room fell silent as the

la, vowing never to speak to his brother again. Edward, too, felt a pang of guilt, re

dismayed, witnessing the ugliness that had befallen the once-beloved Hawthorne family.

clouding any chance of reconciliation. The Hawthorne mansion, once the heart o

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