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Shadows of Love

Chapter 5 A Mother's Artful Persuasion

Word Count: 1157    |    Released on: 26/07/2023

walked the hallowed halls as an artist-in-residence, her vibrant artwork adorning the walls of the college. Her radiant smile

e art studio, her mind buzzed with creativity, exploring the boundless possibilities of her next masterpiece. Despit

ng delicate brushstrokes to a canvas that seemed to come alive under her touch. Her phone buzzed, and she saw her moth

st masterpiece in your lif

appened today!" her mother exclaimed w

to her mother's artistic tales. "

the local art gallery. "You remember Arthur, don't you? He's a dear friend of your

h curiosity. "You mentio

tist. And of course, how much I'd love to see you settled do

id picture with her words. "Mum, you're the master of storyte

re fiercely independent, just like your father. But a little nudge in the

ut I'm content with where I am right now. I want to focus on my art and explore the endless possibilities

ather. I suppose I can't blame you for that. But promise me you'll at least c

at her mother's artistic matchmaking came from a place of love and concern. Although she cherished

it," Olivia finally concede

brightening. "Now, tell me about your da

e mentored, she felt a warmth in her heart. Her mother's love and support were like the vibrant co

e between them. Arthur's name would occasionally come up in their conversations, but Olivia would always stee

phone buzzed with a text message. It was a picture from her mother-a cheeky selfie of Arthur w

d into again today

response, "He's quite t

instantly, "He's quite taken with

es unfolding like a beautiful canvas. "We'll see, Mum. For now,

e upcoming exhibition that would showcase her latest collection of artworks. The prospect of sharing h

upcoming birthday approached, she wondered if there was more to her mother's intentions than mere matchmaking. Perhaps, beneat

pieces she had created. The canvas in front of her remained blank, awaiting the magic of he

m her mother, and she answered w

ling!" her mother's voice came

hank you, Mum. You'

oice brimming with excitement. "Why don't you come

matchmaking and her own artistic journey. In that moment, she realized that art and love shared a

ly, "I'll come for dinner tom

rought joy to her heart. As she ended the call and looked around her art s

like a complex and beautiful masterpiece. Olivia knew that life, like art, was an ever-e

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