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The Day He Matured

Chapter 9 Love Can Be Buy With A Lot Of Money

Word Count: 1721    |    Released on: 26/07/2023

ing as I heard the huge number gently come ou

my body to be a buffalo and a horse for ten

elf and buy a small house and I also

handsome young master s

I feel that Bria

and nose were delicate, and he was inte

ndred and fifty thousand dollars, liking the person I once ha

re valuable, but this ring

to me when we both had

nown, having sex with a girl and then

e and now gives me this precious gift. Although

unt, and this ring is not enough to cover it. Furth

erns in my heart, he s

didn't expect the first time I wore a d

re some clothes later

is weekend?” I widene

I also have my business, not

going to prepar

away, but Brian was faster than me. He

spreading to my back and his minty br

oking forward to me leav

y you're about to fly? I'm afraid I

oed softly after

, let me go, and fol

hate him. Why can't he keep this di

I flung open the door of the large wardrobe and invite

that make me handsome.” Brian was still st

. If you wear a sack, you

socks, gloves, beanie, nightwear, two pairs of

but in the US it's not like that, s

usiness was still good, I used

f sweet memories in me, also mix

rian. When I zipped up the suitcase and raised my

emed to be smiling, a very

ing? Is your mother g

tired when she comes home from

know how


er, expectant face,

or a while, I no

that it was eight o'clock, I gal

at ten o'clock at night, so at a

as the president of Sunshine Bank, so I

me back. Perhaps she knew that her son had suddenly

o'clock, I see the d

k alcohol or have to go on a business trip to remote provinces

I quickly returned to the house, made a glass of

dn't hear anything, so I suddenly

gh the half-closed door, I heard her admonish him not to make his gr

rows furrow for a few

enough for me to

s restrained from many sides. I don't think a pers

aid of anything, doing whatever h

someone with a higher rank and status than

glass of tomato juice to her room, put it on the table, and then went

here to live, I was very careful; I did not dare t

room, I would take advantag

ace as my home. So later on, I consider it as m

go, B

ade me almost d

standing together. Immediately, I used the tip of my

ealize the value of the ring. I was afraid she would th

airport and will be back soo

dy. He needs someone to

that, I breathed

elp him carry his luggage. I was worried that she would think other

two of us straig

d remind me of the day I came to th

e you th

Realizing that he was holding my hand, I pulle

ight is so beautiful.” I

in the car fe

ned over and looked across the street. H

ure in love, maybe I wouldn't hesit

t I will turn into

of me and then he would throw me in

onal terminal, I sat on the wait

he came back an

t I'm so nervous as if I'm abo

o what is this feeling? Is it because the diamo

he electronic board showed that the flight to the

shing him a safe journey because something

go. I'll try to com

as if I were your mistress.” I t

u nod, you wil

to look at Brian's expression, he

giving each other, pure,

e you,

quickly, so fast that when I could move, his

enly like him? That big diamond

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