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Nerd to popular girl (My revenge)

Chapter 6 Accused

Word Count: 851    |    Released on: 28/07/2023



eautiful round chubby face an hour glass shape, beautiful brown eyes, plump lips that I can kiss all day and also smart. What a beauty, now her friend likes me and how will

m and rest waiting for

xcept when they wanted to enter the entrance of the scho

icheal stoped in front of her, he rest his hand on her shoulder and said, look Rachel

Michael but I must say yo

to see who it is, it’s his classmate Adam. I wonder why Adam is cal

. Hey Sam how are you? I’m good I guess, I mean everything is the same is not like something has changed. I see

ell Rachel it’s because

hat do y

rheard you telling him to be gentle while rejecting me, i

n please. Do not talk to me ever again Sam p

saw a guy giving her tissues to wipe her face, it was James. Thank you she said

sigh and told James everything. Wait you guys like related I mean you and Michael? No we are not, our moms are best friends. Oh I see that now. But you know,Sam is hurting r

w you crying. Oh she said. Looking at her watch, it’s almost time for class I have to go. Sure let’s go. They left the rooftop and was going to their class. As soon as they entered their classroom, everyone was looking at them. Jasmine saw them and got angry. Asha and Trisha,

him. Oh I see, maybe I will run for the world most handsome guy in the world. Yeah they will all vote for you. And you will you vote for me? He said

n his chest playfully as if he was hurt by what Rachel said. Rachel couldn’t hel

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