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Word Count: 4610    |    Released on: 31/07/2023

oached her with an unexpected request-to invite his brother, Jackson, to their pack's territory for a vis

naged to live in harmony with the human world, concealing their true identities and protecting their ancient

a risk," Luminar spoke with a firm tone, her eyes meeting her husband's gaze. "Our pack's secret is our

and longing. "Sweet heart, I know the weight of our secret, but Jackson is

n apart, of the devastation that came with exposing their true nature to outsiders. She couldn

nctuary for ourselves. If we open the doors to anyone and everyone, we risk losing our home, our safety." Alexander's gaze dropped, hi

love for her husband and her duty to protect their pack. Sh

he potential consequences," Luminar implored, her eyes searching his for understanding. "Jackson

"I... I don't want to lose him, Lu,I understand your concerns the pack's safety comes first. But All

g the gravity of the situation. She rub her temples and looked at him , "perhaps we can arrange a meeting in

him c'mon!" his filled wi

ask me such a

" he deman

I d

ust me w

e pack members first , I c

getting more annoyed "well whether you like it or not I need to talk to my family about this and that's f

come to address the elephant in the room-the visit of Alexander's brother, Jackson, and the revelation of t

ing Jackson, Alexander's brother who will soon visit us. I understand the reservations and fears that have arisen, but I believe it is essential that we discuss this openly and honest

come with exposure," She started. "However, we also understand the importance of family, of connecting with

on cannot keep our secret? What if he reveals who we truly are, intentionally or uni

We cannot underestimate the risks. However, during Jackson's vi

skeptical but now open to considering Luminar's pers

t only understand us but can help protect our secret. We cannot guarantee absolute safety, but we

erit in Luminar's words. If he will truly understand and respect us, he could

ay to the possibility of a strengthened alliance. Luminar's conviction and pers

will you," uncle Victo

r. "We will proceed with transparency and vigilance, ensuring that he und

agreement and lef

ad carried nothing else but his bag full of weird tools and maps. As they went deeper into the forest, Jackson cou

into laughter " you must be joking right," Alexander let at a slight howl and another one followed but coming from the cave .Running out of the cave. Luminar's sleek, silver-g

dows growling, "guys it was an accident he didn't mean to" Alexander said trying to calm the pack down , Jackson full of fear fired another shot and this time the wolves were ready to pounce "stop it,"Alexander pu

ransformed back into human form and sat still in silence. Jackson was set aback upon what he had just witnessed, he stood up and rubb

." Jackson's eyes widened with astonishment. He had always known about his brother's peculiar connection with animals, but he had never imagined it wou

nd affection within the pack. He watched as the other wolves stared him down , their eyes filled with unity and ready to defend each other. They all transformed back into humans a

on his rocking chair, and he was laughing " I told you,I told you but you never listen, you saw it for yourself an

I sincerely apologize on behalf of my brot

d at him with her blue crystal eyes filled with anger "and if he did I swear to the

okay, I m okay." She forced out

other's family were creatures, I mean .... its just hard to believe," his apology seemed like a joke " My names a

im a slightly unkempt appearance. His most notable facial feature was a slightly big nose that adds character to his face,his lips were full.Despite

n understanding seemed to pass between them. She

take in, but I promise you, they mean no harm. They are protectors of these wo

ethyst, I assume she is out in the for

with her three rabbits that she had carried by the ears with her fangs. As she entered the room , she had noticed a face that wasn't familiar. She dropped the rabbits and begun to growl at Jackson "Ame,"Luminar called her and she shook her head . Amethyst transformed back into human form and stared at Jackson,she walked to Luminar without

to everythin

our dad." She still didn't seem to like him at all, she pulled Alexander in excitement to show him what she caught

ion, she had finally learned to embrace her wolf self and human self. The woods became her sanctuary, a place where she cou

d. Her wolf senses perked up, and she froze, straining to discern the origin of the noise. Amethy

the forest with grace. The anticipation tingled in her veins, her heart pounding with a mix of tr

the center was a young wolf, similar in size to her. Its fur was a striking blend of gray and black, blending wit

riendly as it seemed. Its hackles were raised, and a low growl escaped its throat. Instinct took over. In an instant and Amethyst transformed into her wolf self, her human form melting away, rep

the air. Amethyst's eyes locked onto her opponent's, her resolve un

bared and claws unsheathed. But she was ready, she met the attack hea

by its own instinct for survival. But Amethyst was no longer the timid girl she once was. S

glowed with triumph. The young wolf, realizing it had met its match, lowered its head in submission, conceding defeat.transformation into a wolf had not only granted

with disbelief. Amethyst's heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and confusion. How could there be another wolf like her when her mother had always told her they were the only ones, Her mother's words ec

dn't tell whether they were blue or green. Now held a touch of vulnerability. "My name is Fang," he replied "I am from a pack that lives deep dow

ame ?" he asked "My ....my name is Ame

u're the first wolf I've encountered other than my family," she admitted, her voice fil

no they are so many different we

r?"Fang's gaze softened, remorse flickering in his eyes. "I had heard rumors of other wolves roaming these woods," he explained. "I was curious and

oth young wolves navigating a world filled with uncertainty and danger. The encounter

o young werewolves shared s

, sharing laughter, and discovering the secrets of their shared existence. Amethyst marveled at Fang's bravery and kindness, whi

hed at a point that wasn't that noticable "open your eyes," he whispered. It was an unbelievable jaw dropping moment for Amethyst, she had never seen any other wolves apart from her family. Everywhere she looked t

red through the sky on the backs of majestic winged creatures. Fang took her to one last place, the den of the alpharian stones. He had explained to her

worldly glow, its hue perfectly matching her name. The stone held within it a touch of magic, radiating a

h the knowledge that she had to return home. Her mother would be waiting, she thanked him with a bright smi

her eyes filled with worry and relief. But her relief quickly t

er adventures and friendship with Fang seemed impossible in that moment. "I was within the forest, Mama," she replied, her voice strained and filled with guilt. "I lost track of time while playing." Luminar's keen wolf s

," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "His name is Fang, he's a werewolf just like us and we became friends. He took me to the land of the Alpharians. I didn't mean to worry you, but I couldn't resist the adventure." Her mother's anger flared, her eyes blazing with fury and concern. "You endangered yourself !" she exclaim

often at all as she looked at her tear-strea

eedom I knew such a thing would happen but no uncle Victor just blabbers rubbish,"uncle Victor said with a sarcastic voice "I think it's high time she knew the truth " Alexander sa

ys talking about," Jacks

Amethyst. While she was waiting , Jackson was hiding near by wanting to Eavesdrop on their conversation .Her eyes fixed on the silver light filtering through the ancient

egends shared in hushed tones by her aunts and grandparents. The time had come for Luminar to unravel the truth abou

teps echoed from behind her. She spun around, her heart poun

ure of concern and caution."I need you to know something my child ," Luminar said, her voice trembl

ian's" Amethyst's eyes grew big "The Alpha Council couldn't accept the union between a human and a werewolf, especially not from our noble bloodline and considering that I was their Queen, I made the ultimate sacrifice-to protect your father and to ke

one protection and good luck" Amethyst interrupted her. "Where did you learn this?" her mother asked "Fang"she replied with a big smile "Look at my necklace," Amethyst looked at her mother's necklace that looked like a Crescent moon, the sun, waves and a mountain. She had explained to her about how she used the necklace to save her when she was almost a year old. "It has four different stones and there combination is the most powerful,it was given to me by my mother and I have h

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