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Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 02/08/2023

en't told me; you're

th the story, or maybe it's the d

e how it benefits me to know the history of these

be we are all imaginary creations; maybe our existence is insignificant in

'd better continue telling me that story, as my neighbor is in front;

y are always angry, but who doesn't? They

better go on w

t that Luis starte

ot what you said, it was abo

hey can't be told; you are harassing me for not getting to your point, so I

I need to be drunk enough to go

oint. Then old Michel met Luis

ur flesh, so it won't stop coming for the rest. Besides, you have a duty to protect Linda. That's right, I already met her; that's why I came to you, following her red string.

new Luisa. However, he respected the elders, so he wanted to play along, not in mockery

nching his right fist and po

cause we might succumb to confusion. Now, perhaps you will find incredible all that you can witness, but it is nothing compared to what you have already seen. T

t to be rude to this crazy old man, he wanted

ntinue this conversation

opened his h

me ancestor of yours hid them to protect his descendants, or perhaps he could not teach them to his suc

hole in the ground the size of a house in front of the boy. Who, if he did not stop out of reflex and fear, would fall into the hole. Surprised, with a pale face a

ays, “what is above is equal to what is below.” This tap will soon be nothing compared to what you will learn to

to avoid falling to the bottom of the hole. When his vision cleared, he noticed that the old man was carrying him. Although he must be hallucinating because he could see that they were above the houses and that they

und, he only saw shadows and hair flying. The ground beneath him dissolves, making him fall in a whirlwind of green, black, and red; the music changes to macabre laughter; and the smell changes to rottenness. He falls suddenly to a large brown mountain and can visualize at the top a white star collapsing on top of him. Only those two beautiful eyes saved him by lifting him by the arms; they left him on a pedestal and then continued to the horizon, where the

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