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Bound : The Ties That Strangled

Bound : The Ties That Strangled


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 3682    |    Released on: 02/08/2023

t streets, illuminating the old, weathered buildings and casting a warm, comforting glow upon the cobblestone paths. Overhead, a crystal-clear sky stretched out

r vibrant colors adding a splash of joy to the already enchanting scenery. The delica

who shared an innocent and delightful bond. Caden, with a head full of unruly mop, boasted sandy-brown locks that danced in the wind. His mischievous green eyes twinkled with a hint of secret mischief, captivating anyone who dared to meet his gaze. The sun's gentle caress left its golden mark on his skin, rendering it with a vibrant radiance that spoke of boundless energy and endless adventures.

, golden radiance. With each step, her hazel eyes, doe-like and filled with wonder, shimmered with an undeniable curiosity and uncontainable excitement, as if each moment held a secret just waiting to be unraveled. Freckles, like tiny stardust, adorned her button nose, adding a playful touch to her irresistible charm. Dressed in

tole glances at Elara, mesmerized by her innocent beauty that seemed to radiate like a rare gem. With each twinkle in her eye, he felt a rush of warmth in his chest, as if he'd

sh grass, creating a symphony of fragrances that enveloped their senses. The meadow unfurled in front of them, a tapestry of nature's artwork, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that beckoned them to explore and embark on grand advent

nto the velvety bed of grass. Each step brought forth a gentle whisper as if the land itself was urging them further into its verdant embrace. The air was kissed by a gentle breeze, which whispered secrets through the rustling leaves of nearby trees. As the pair ventured deeper into the meadow, their eyes feasted upon a kaleidoscope o

nder and sincere. "For you, Elara," he uttered, his words brimming with genuine admiration, "it's as pretty as you are." Elara's cheeks flushed with a delicate rosy shade, enhancing her youthful beauty as she gazed at Caden, who stood before her. In Caden's hand, lay a single flower, its vibrant petals

of gratitude and warmth, realizing that Caden possessed a heart as pure and genuine as the wildflowers dancing in the breeze around them. In a voice as tender as a lullaby, Elara expressed her gratitude to her beloved friend. "Thank yo

ed in his green eyes as he gazed at Elara, their gazes momentarily entwining before returning to the splendor of the lush greens and vibrant wildflowers that dotted the vast expanse before them. As Elara and Caden gallantly explored further into the vast field, their youthful eyes scanned the surroundings, enthralled by the wonders

ight here, Elara. I have an idea," he whispered, his voice brimming with secrecy and excitement. With swift feet, he dashed towards the majestic tree, disappearing into its ancient shade. Elara, her heart pounding with anticipation, stood in breathless antic

s. Each delicate flower danced in harmonious harmony, their azure petals like shimmering stars against his intricate fingers. Approaching Elara with a prideful smile, Caden extended his arms, presenting the ethereal gift with tender grace. His voice, laden with an inflection

hispered with a soft voice, her eyes shining with sincerity and joy. "You are truly the sweetest, kindest friend I could ever ask for." As Caden watched Elara's eyes light up, his heart swelled with pure joy. Each word that escaped her lips seemed to dance through the air, reaching the depths of his soul. He silently

ed as far as the eye could see, painting the landscape with vibrant hues. They skipped from flower to flower, creating intricate daisy chains, their nimble fingers weaving pure happiness into their shared moments. As the sun showered them with its golden rays, casting a warm glow upon their youthful faces, they would pause from their

nds, they started their journey back through the labyrinth of blooming wildflowers. The fragrance of the meadow enveloped them, filling their senses with a delightful sweetness. The wildflowers seemed to sway and

f vulnerability. "Elara, you make my heart flutter like the wings of a butterfly. I cherish every moment we spend together." Elara's eyes widened with both surprise and tenderness, her hand tighte

the meadow, Caden couldn't help but allow hope to bloom within his heart. He yearned for their friendship to blossom into something more profound, as they continued their journey through the ye

ill coursing through their veins. The sky above transformed into a tapestry of fiery hues as the sun began its leisurely descent, castin

led just across the street. A cool breeze danced playfully, carrying the tantalizing scent of creamy sweetness toward them. Elara's eyes sparkled with uncontainable anticipation as she caught sight of the colorful array of frozen delights thro

nthusiasm, Caden's brow furrowed in surprise as he hungrily surveyed their surroundings. He searched for any potential danger that might have prompted such an impulsive response from her. Worriedly, he called out to her, his voice laced with a hint of panic, "Elara, wait !" It was as if time itself became captive to Elara's exc

d a taste of pure bliss. Delicate waffle cones stood tall like ornate sculptures, their crispy perfection begging to be savored. As the weight of her decision pressed upon her, Elara's gaze darted from one mouthwatering creation to the next. Her imagination danced among the flavors, envisioni

crimson shoelaces had come undone, rebelliously dangling and teasingly brushing against the dusty pavement. His heart sinking momentarily, Caden knew that he couldn't continue to trail behind Elara until this predicament was resolved. Displaying the utmost determi

nd towering truck hurtling mercilessly toward him. The world around him seemed to shudder and waver, caught in a desperate time warp as if trying to warn him of the imminent danger. A cruel twist of fate had transformed the vibrant and stimulating colors that once adorned the quiet road into irreversibly dulled, faded hues of dreary gray. These shades

suspended animation. Twisting and contorting, his body assumed unnatural angles, betraying the immense power behind the impact. The shockwave of agony, originating from the epicenter of the collision, coursed through every inch of Caden's being, a

orrifying spectacle before her. Her gaze locked on his broken, motionless figure lying in the middle of the road, a sight that seared its imprint deep into her memory. For a moment that stretched into eternity, the weight of the situati

sness flickered like a dying candle, barely holding on to the fragments of his fading awareness. The world around him morphed into a hazy, indistinguishable blur as if a thick fog had descended upon his senses. But Caden refused to let go. Deep within him

ds away. But the pain continued to gnaw at his fragile form, tearing him further away from reality. His vision, once sharp and colorful, now faded into an abyss of darkness. The world outside became a swirl of indistinct shapes and blurry outlines, a surreal painting created by his diminishing senses. Caden's grip on life grew weaker with each passing second as if his essence

are to be nothing more than a cruel figment of her imagination. Her heart ached with raw emotion, trapped in a whirlwind of fear and sadness. The frantic movements of the adults around her merged into a chaotic symphony of concern and urgency, furthe

other realm. At that moment, she yearned for him to answer, to prove that he was still there, fighting alongside her against the encroaching darkness. As the world fell away and the blaring sirens merged

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