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Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate

Forbidden Moon: The Alpha's Vampire Mate



Word Count: 2424    |    Released on: 02/08/2023

ive with the whispers of the wind and the rustling of leaves as he moved silently, ever vigilant in his duty to protect

e a waterfall of obsidian silk. She had ventured into werewolf territory, driven by a desire for connection and understandi

st a silver glow over the landscape, creating an ethereal atmosphere that seemed to heighten his senses. As he moved thr

tatic electricity, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He pause

d then, she materialized from the shadows like a phantom: Selene, her raven-black hair cas

the centuries-old feud between werewolves and vampires. He knew he should attack her, eliminate the threat she

red, raising her hands in surrender. "

his muscles coiled like a tightly wound sp

amidst the silence of the forest. "I have always wondered

eart pounding with a mix of anger and trepidation. He struggled to reconcile

ered, her eyes pleading with him for unde

of doubt had been planted in his mind. Could there truly be a chance for something more between

ing one last threatening gaze at Selene before tu

himself and the alluring vampire, but his heart seemed to have other ideas. It pounded

ftly, her voice like velvet

listening to her; she was the enemy. And yet, some part of him yearned t

her orbs shining like jewels in th

f liquid fire, filled with untold secrets and wisdom. They held a sorrow that spoke to his ver

y their mesmerizing beauty. "I see... pain, l

ning with unshed tears. "I am not your enemy, Gabriel Moonstone.

th his mind as he struggled to resist the strang

ble above the rustle of leaves. "Or is it

rotect his pack from any potential threats, but his heart urged him to listen to the siren's song that resonated deep within his soul. Caught in

n, her voice a haunting whisper that seemed

ires was rooted in generations of bloodshed, betrayal, and hatred-a feud that had persisted through count

e weight of his decision evident in his tone. "Why sh

from his. "But do we not both share this world, bound by the same threads of fate?

riel's skin, each hair standing on end as if electrified by the charged atmosphere. It was as though the very fabric of re

hts churning like a torrential river. Was it possible that the ancient hatred

weight of countless lifetimes. "But it has also taught me the value of a single momen

ngeance," he countered, his brow furrowed in frustrati

d," she replied, her eyes locked on his with unwavering intensity. "Fo

in Selene's gaze. Was it truly possible to break the cycle of hatred that had plagued their kind

harted realm where the answers to his questions lay hidden within the shadows. And though he knew that stepping into

oice filled with equal parts doubt and determination. "A path

lene replied, her lips curving into a smile th

af and branch shimmering with an otherworldly light. Gabriel could not help but

ling of the leaves, "why do you seek this understanding? Wh

," she began, her eyes gleaming with the weight of untold memories. "And in that time, I have seen our kind wage war upon one another, time and again, witho

yes reflecting the moonlight as they s

violence, I have witnessed moments of compassion and understanding, however fleeting. It is these moments

his being. How could it be that this creature, this vampire who should have been his sworn enemy, spoke so passion

is voice tinged with both awe and trepidatio

breeze that whispered through the trees. "It is only fear and hatred that

between them now pulsating with a life of its own. It was as if the very fabric of the

s doubts. "But I cannot deny the truth that lies before me. Your words have planted a seed wit

ut to grasp his hand. "For it is only through understan

eatening to suffocate the burgeoning spark of desire that burned within his chest. But even as he struggled with

amidst the shadows and the moonlight, the boundaries between werewolf and vampire seemed to blur, giving

in time. Gabriel stood at the edge of a precipice, his heart a throbbing drumbeat in his ears as he gazed upon Selene's ethereal

rough the air like a sweet lullaby. "I know y

ting desire that swelled within him. Tendrils of doubt snaked through his mi

coloring her words. "Can it truly be so wrong to seek understan

oice raw with emotion. "Can we ever escape th

Selene replied, her eyes locked

very marrow of Gabriel's bones. He knew what his pack expected of him, but the though

e her name. "I cannot deny the connection I feel to yo

d, her voice a silken caress. "For it is only through unders

gered in Selene's gaze. The strange energy that tingled in the air seemed to thrum w

ning with the enormity of his decision. "But I must tread care

ne offered, extending her hand towards him as if

ent hope that there could be more to their existence than endless strife. And so, with his heart held captive b

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