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Chapter 4 Could This Be Happening

Word Count: 2035    |    Released on: 09/08/2023

e harbored such malicious intentions. Her father's property, the legacy he had worked so hard to build, was slipping through her f

rd? How could you

rsing through her veins, a mixture of disappointment and rage. It was incomprehensible how someone she

, battled a relentless illness that demanded expensive treatments. The financial strain was already a burden,

potential. But with the financial safety net suddenly yanked away, his dreams could be crushed under the weight of th

Mia ran her fingers throu

ge so drastically in

. It was an unfair twist of fate, a cruel game that h

with her father, William Davidson, the former CEO of Liam Group, before his untimely demise. His wor

ed her eyes, trying to summon his presence, to feel his reassuring embrace one more

ol to support her family. The weight of the responsibility pressed down on her chest, making it difficult to breathe. She had always dreamed

ase us from existence?" Her hands clenched into fists, her knuckles turning white as anger pu

nd herself worn out, physically and emotionally. She had been walking for hours, trying to escape the harsh rea

the world crashed down on her, and she couldn't hold back the flood of tears any longer. Sobs racke

. What was going to happen to them now that they had been kicked out

ing. "What are we going to do? How are we going to survive?" S

this! What about Mum, what about her treatment? How are we going to pay for it now that

her, she forgot that she was close to a bar until she felt a hand on her shoulders, she looked up to find a tall handsome man, his face like that of a god, his golden h

eight of her troubles momentarily lifted, she found herse

eld her gently, a silent understanding passing between them, and began to rub her back in a soothing rhythm. "It's al

suffocating her. Justin's presence alone seemed to provide the security she needed to let her emotions

her world upside down. She spoke of shattered dreams, broken promises, and a future that had suddenly become

him. The admission was both a confession of vulnerability and a plea for understanding. She fel

ntently, offering a silent sanctuary for her words. As she spoke of her fears and inse

s eyes met hers with a compassionate sincerity. "Mia," he began softly, "I c

of gratitude and curiosity. "What do you

om for the night," Justin explained. "You're welco

isbelief at the unexpected kindness before her. "You're offering me

urance. "Absolutely." he continued. "I'll he

kest hour, a man whose compassion transcended the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship. "Thank yo

hand reaching up to brush a tear from her cheek.

her into his comfortable room with all the necessities she neede

ed with stress and anticipation of the impending storm back home. Just as she was about to

eek," Justin said, leaning against the doorway. "Let'

mind proved too enticing. "Alright, just give me a few minute

entuated her every curve. Justin couldn't help but stare, impressed by her b

hm and threw herself into the music, allowing her body to move and release the pent-up em

ound. She took a few too many, the alcohol dulling her senses and inhibitions. Justin

n an impulsive moment, she surprised Justin with a seductive kiss, pullin

d and navigate the situation. "You're drunk

red, her voice husky, "I need yo

when Mia was intoxicated. Reluctantly, he gently guided her towards the bed, attempting to

. He whispered soothingly, "I care about you too much, Mia. You need to rest." Quietly, he slipped out of her

e, prioritizing Mia's well-being over his desires. The storm outside may have been fierce, but the storm brewing within their hearts was tamed, even if just for a while. Mi

to her hometown. As they took a walk down the street, Mia felt a sense of gratitude towards him for his hel

t worry about it, Mia. Just make sure you take care o

ays been a strong-willed person, but now she knew that she could handle whatever life threw at her

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