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Good Luck, Darling!

Chapter 3 Escape

Word Count: 3023    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

ut always have a car problem I swear. One of the guys gave me Zero's real name in exchange for some free service on his car which I gladly took advantage of. I am walking to my office a

r bike because I usually leave my Aprilla at the shop since it's more secure. I have a black and red Ninja Kawasaki 2012 1000 and it gets around as I let all the guys ride it. He of course is covered in naked anime chicks because I have an unhealthy obsession with buying stickers that happen to have half-naked or naked females on them. I head home cruising as I don't really have anything I am in a rush for except sleep. When I get home I have to get off to open the gate to my property and then close it once my bike is in. I park my bike in the garage behind the beautiful two-story home my parents built a while back I don't really remember when. I throw a cover over him since I won't be driving him tomorrow to school and as I walk up the stairs Andrew yells out from his room. " I am going out tonight but I promise I will be here early to take you to school on time. " I am laughing because I know he will be

a God which I just laugh at because he'll give anyone with a heartbeat a chance. I was about to open the door but Andrew got out and opened it for me bowing and chuckling to his treatment of me like a royal person. " Thank you, good sir. " I chuckled back as I slid out of the raised truck and grabbed my bag then waved as I walked away to class. " See you later! " I hear Andrew shout as he peels out of the parking lot. Zero and Kyle are chatting when they notice me and Kyle grabs my arm smiling. " Training today? " I just nod and then give a curt what's up nod to Zero who laughs. " Training? " Zero asks as he looks me up and down. " Yeah, fighting training stuff. I won't be at the shop after school if you need something but you can stop by the guys know you. " I say as Kyle takes out a marker and writes on my left arm. " Kyle seriously, you don't have to do this every time. " Kyle giggles like a school girl, he's a werewolf as well and from a different pack but when I go to training he writes UNMATED on my arm as if I don't get enough shit from the unmated warriors. " Hey, you never know your mate could be in this pack. " He caps the marke

be on eggshells around me. As I stepped off I didn't even bother with my helmet I needed them to know I was okay so I just started rapping Rittz part of the song that was blasting in my ears and I could see them relax. It was a terrible attempt at his part in the song but I knew his lyrics were the best of the song and can't sing so the chorus was out of the question. Sam walked over and took off my helmet and then growled when he realized I didn't even strap in on as I gave him a sweet smile so he wouldn't give me a lecture. Tyler walked over and patted Sam on the shoulder. " I think she knows that was a stupid mistake. " Tyler smiled at me and Sam visibly relaxed. " Glad you could make it, sorry again for not picking you up. " Tyler said and looked at Sam signaling we should head in and see Alpha Zane. As soon as we walked in with me in the back the guys ducked and ran away then I was engulfed in a bear hug from Alpha Zane. " My sweetness is here to save me! " Alpha Zane yelled and wouldn't let me go as he picked me up to drag me with him to his office. " Alpha... Alpha Zane, did you piss off your Luna again? " Alpha Zane chuckled and nodded yes without letting me go knowing Luna, his wife, wouldn't hit him if I was in his arms. I heard a gasp when we entered the office and someone pried Alpha Zane off of me to just be engulfed with Luna Vanessa. " You sweet thing, let me heal you. I can feel your emotions from the border. " Luna Nessa was so amazing, I hope Tyler's mate and Luna is just as amazing. " Luna Nessa, I am okay. Really, I think I will survive. Sorry for throwing my emotions at you. " Luna Nessa winced and spoke in a stern mother-like tone. " You can always talk to me. You will never be a problem and if I can take some pain from you I will take it in stride. " I just hugged her tighter and sighed because her words made me feel better. " Okay girls, let's talk before training. " Alpha Zane said then looked around. Luna Nessa snuck out probably to the kitchen to start food for after training. " Tyler will be doing a trial period as Alpha to get used to things before I step down. I know most packs never do this but I want to. " Everyone nodded because that sounded pretty good and he wouldn't be thrown the Alpha title all of a sudden. " Vanessa and I are going to go up to the cabin so if needed we can come back but won't unless it is absolutely necessary. Sam will be his Beta chosen by Tyler and Nick as his Gamma. " I clapped and was so happy for them, I knew they were all gonna make a great team. " My Beta and Gamma will be gone with their families on v

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