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The dark vampire

Chapter 2 The choice

Word Count: 365    |    Released on: 09/08/2023

acing his supernatural abilities and hon

Soo-min, whose own past is intertwined with the realm of darkness. Together, they form

unter a diverse array of creatures from Korean folklore - from vengeful spirits to shape-shifting goblins. E

eir strength and the bond that has developed between them. They fight side by side,

Giselle, he must relinquish his own immortality and sacrifice the very essence of what he is. He mus

mately makes the ultimate sacrifice. With his dying breath, he plunges a silver dagger in

ut also a new beginning. The darkness that once consumed him lifts, and rays

ces of darkness. His story becomes a legend, spoken of in whispers, a reminder that even the most

d in the annals of Goryeo, a testament to the power of coura

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