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Stand By The Union


Word Count: 2082    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

given no particular attention to the man when he saw him at his father's house, though he regarded him as a very good-looking and intelligent person for one in the situation in which

other vessels upon more active service, and that a large number of seamen were to be sent immediately to reinforce the squadron. This was not pleasant intelligence, for he had become acquainted with all on board of the

ard these men with more interest than he might otherwise have done. He had no fault to find after the glance he had bestowed upon them, for they

he steamer, whoever he was, did not appear to have noticed the new arrival, and no one gave any attention to Christy. He walked forward to take a b

proper form was Walsh. He seemed to be a little diffident about encountering the son of his late employer, and turned his face away as he touched his cap. But the officer had fully ide

t, in the tone he had learned to use when h

ot Walsh," replied the sailor, with a

alsh!" exclaimed Ch

that you spoke to some other man," pleaded the

t of six feet in height. He was clean-shaved, with the exception of his upper lip, whereon he sported a rather long dark brown mustache, of which a Broadway dandy might have been vain. As a servant, he had been rather obsequious, tho

ntensified the gaze with which he confronted the man, resorting to the t

, or some such name," replied the late servant,

e to which you responded at two o'clock

to prove it. I am not the man to be ashamed of my name, which

use of Captain Passford, at Bonnydale on the Hudson?" demand

?" asked the sailor, with


e place before in my life, sir,

ate, as Christy was beginning to reap the penalty of his imprudence the night before, in exposing himself barefooted a

fter using his handkerchief, and thu

place before, sir,"

boatswain's mate f

t, and rushed forward in answer to the call of his superior, evidently glad to escape from the inq

ge of a pilot. He could see from his shoulder straps that he was an ensign, and the officers in the waist and on the forecastle were of the same rank. If there were any other pas

ld not help asking himself if the conduct of Walsh had anything to do with the visit of the intruder at Bonnydale. He could not trace out any connection between the two events; but, on the other han

up a variety of suppositions, and combated vigorously with them, the darkness seemed only to become more dense, and he was compelled to abandon the subject without

ght to think." But while he tried to keep the flower of modesty in full bloom in his soul, he could not deny that he had given the enemies of his country a great deal of trouble, and subjected them to some heavy losses. Then he recalled the con

risty thought it was time for him to report to the commander, and he moved aft for this purpose. He did not even know the name of this gentlema

uarter-deck, Christy met a quartermaster, of

d the petty officer, respectfully touching his cap to the shoul

isty, to assure himself that he h

quartermaster. "I hope you ar

rted a cold in the head," replied Christy, astonished

ared to be quite sick last night when yo

. I came on board last night? I was n

awake. He had been quite sick, and he had come on board the night before! It was very strange that he was not at all aware of either of these facts. He felt reasonably confident that he had slept in his own chamber at Bonnydale the night before, and at that time he was certai

icer had come on board, and reported under his name, for he had not yet learned anything in regard to the gentleman who had appeared to be quite sick when he reported himself. It had the eleme

Captain Battleton was not less punctilious in his etiquette. He was a young man, though he was apparently six or seven years older than Christy. He was an ens

in Battleton, as he extended his hand to his pa

rly confounded a

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