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Star Hunter

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2307    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ough pinnacle. The sides were seamed with crevices and caves which promised protection for one's back in any

o the northeast. And Rynch had lost the first tight pinch of

together on a four-foot tableland. Hume unhooked his distance lenses, but it wa

. The beasts there were quiet, blue-green lumps, stan

s, held them before his broad che

pped. He was hungry, but not hun

know. Only I'm sure they are

on him. "You know this plan

rvey team that appro

oughly. How is it that you didn't know ab

experts right about now," Hume returned. "The ver

"All right-so then maybe our blue-backed friends are imported. Suppose someone

. Sitting down he pulled a cylinder container from a belt loop and

for twenty-four

. However Rynch swallowed them dutifully before he descended with Hume to river level. The Hunter splas

nced, "we might be able t


the place they may have chosen for us." He tilted his chin to study the sky. "We'll take watches and res

eep as easily as if he could control that state by will. Rynch, watching him curiously for a second or two before cl

t of the camp sentries back in the forest. There was no movement, no sound. They were simply there-on g

ulders. Under his hand was the most efficient and formidable weapon known to the fr

mory of Rynch Brodie-the reward for him was to be a billion credits. To

ie was to be discovered a castaway on Jumala. Only, matters had not worked out according to Hume's plan. In the first place he was certain he had not been intended to know

ures the Guild men had not found here a few months ago-Rynch felt a small cold chill along his spine. Hume's game wa

ving to solve this other puzzle as neatly as he thought he had disc

A needler was efficient, yes, but it could wipe out only an enemy at which it was aimed. Blind

vantage-use it to blanket their withdrawal? He was about to go to Hume with th

he stream. All bobbing along toward the rugged coastline of the islet. Those had

t one which had grounded on the pointed tip of the rocks where the river current came together after its division about the isl

e was activity on the water-washed rocks before them. Just as the scavengers had moved ahead of the globes on land, so now aquatic cre

puff of brilliant red, one was gone. Something flopping on the rocks gave a mewling cry and somersaulted back into the water. Then a fin

l consciousness which was another defense for


water level, spreading down both sides of the point, forming a wall. Dark forms moved out of the

other stone, took careful aim, and smashed a second one. "The needler

le the lights gathered in, spreading farther and farther down the shores of the islet. Hume cried out s

ope immediately below them. A vile, musky scent, now min

ified. "If they are drivin

a shower of fiery sparks. Wherever those sparks touched rock or ground they flared up

ould not be sure of the nature of some of those things. One, armed and clawed as the scavengers, was nearly as large as a water-cat. And a furry, man-legged cre

ash the lights

the boiling broth of water dwellers might conceivably return to their homes. He dropped the needl

ng to illuminate the scene. The water creatures bewildered, clumsy out of their element, were so

oating sparks, gathering to take their places, perhaps herding before them more water things

n at a spot just below their ledge. A huge segmented, taloned leg kicked, caught on

ordered. "T

out in answer. Then they both scrambled on to that small platform at the top of the islet. By the aid of the burning flame-torc

the living feasted on the slain and quarreled over the boun

more flame flar

be in the dark with the mist

atching out there?" Ryn

them. They know w

must have don

made a good landing, and there are

emoved-" Ryn

ways landed here. Not that we found a

ere here, and you di

ounded baffled.

it clink harmlessly against a rock. Hume b

t fl

that? Ov

e river bank, making a pattern of flickers which bore

kyward as he answered wit

er the water, the tone dehumanized. Hume c

n top-no

en down-we'

g crashing first on one side of the islet and then on the other, and sweeping every crawling horror out of life, into odorous ash. The backlash of that blast mu

g eyes as the fumes from the scorche

th life lin

ds. A gangling line trailed across their bodies, a line with a safety bel

those means of escape, bu

bodies swung up clear of the blasted river island, as

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