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The Billionaire's Maiden

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 11/08/2023

rival of the one and only Adam Smith. It was no secret that Adam, the young and dashing billionaire, was the heart and

thic and drive had enabled him to expand the Smith enterprise on a global scale. His recent business trip to Beijing was just another undertaking in his long list of achievement

e flight from Beijing had been delayed, and he had not been able to eat anything apart from the light snack on

. As he walked, he noticed a figure moving in the dimly lit hallway. As he continued walking

wed the curves of her body as she moved effortlessly around the kitchen. Her long dark ha

ce. He was awed by her beauty that shone through

," Adam says in his deep and husky v

still feeling flustered. "I

wall, watching her walk down the hallway. He had his

ually, he came to his senses and decided to look for something to eat before making his way to bed. It was only lat

st when he thought he could catch up on some sleep after a long night out, his mother decided to

on. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the close relationship they s

espite the early wake-up, he couldn't help but feel energized knowing that he would be

the incredible bond he shared with his mother. Despite the challenges they had faced over the years,

ing a light blue t-shirt paired with khaki cargo shorts and white sneakers. He felt

couldn't quite make out. He didn't appreciate the tone she was using towards the maid, but he tried his best not to let it bot

He knew that he had to navigate the intricate dynamics of his family life, especially when it came to his mother. As breakfast continued, Adam couldn't help bu

and freshly squeezed orange juice, the door suddenly opened, and the lady he saw last night

into a tirade about Nova's incompetence and inaccuracy in her work. Nova tried

accumulated at the brim

nd came to her rescue. He told Mrs. Smith that he had asked Nova to retrieve some impo

and the tension around the table lif

kept stealing glances at her, and she couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his mind. Despite the chaos that had e

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