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Silent Spring

Silent Spring

Author: zyl980930

Chapter 1 Duty to endure

Word Count: 2634    |    Released on: 11/08/2023

ce of the environment; in contrast, in the process of forming the entire ecosystem of the earth, the impact of organisms on the environment can be said to be very subtle and at

destructive behaviors of people to the environment, many damages are irreparable. This kind of destructive behavior, especially the pollution of

rainwater, or float in the air in the form of radioactive dust, and accumulate in the soil again, and then infiltrate into the grass, corn growing in the soil and wheat, and eventually enter human bones, various organs, until death.Similarly, the medicines sprayed on cultivated land, forests, and gardens will also stay in the soil for a long time, enter the organisms, and be transmitted to other organisms again, causing pollution

tained a delicate but balanced environment. The environment contains harmful and beneficial elements, which support all life on the earth in strict accordance with certain rules. Some substances emit radiation, for exa

ation of natural minerals, the onslaught of cosmic rays and the ultraviolet rays of the sun, but also The electronic components and technological products created by human beings. And the chemical environment to which living thi

will see little fruit. Because our laboratories continue to generate these new chemicals, nearly 500 new chemicals are put into use in the United States every year. This number is staggering

invented more than 200 basic chemical substances to kill insects, weeds, rodents, and what mode

beneficial or harmful-and these insecticides make birds Unable to sing, the schools of fish in the rivers cannot swim, they coat every leaf on the trees with a deadly film of insecticide, and they perpetuate these films in the soil. The reason for this retenti

ts. Insects triumphantly proved Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest with their own conditions, and thus evolved some super insects, which are immune to insecticides, so people had to invent more deadly insecticides... So back and fo

bstances pollute the living environment very much, and these substances will accumulate in or

we are already doing so unconsciously. Because there are many chemical substances like radiation that can cause genetic

ore the horse, how, as a population of intelligent beings, we can destroy the entire environment and kill ourselves

surplus. Although a certain department of the Ministry of Agriculture wanted to reduce production, many departments still reiterated the following statement after 1958: Many people believed that if the use of cultivated la

d to monitor pests. What I am trying to say is that regulation should be done in a way that is consiste

leads to a series of mistakes and even disasters. Insects existed on the earth long before the appearance of human beings. They have various types and

se, such as natural disasters, wars, or when a resource In states of extreme scarcity, this distress becomes even more acute. Then people have to control certain ins

n the number of certain insects. Monoculture is clearly at odds with the laws of nature. This is probably the ideal model envisioned by some engineers. Nature will balance according to the total amount of its internal needs, and nature needs t

ees lining their streets, but now that beauty has been ruined by a certain beetle. If the planting is very diverse,

idly described this worldwide migration in his recently published book Ecological Invasion. Millions of years ago during the Cretaceous period, flooding ocean currents cut off land bridges between many continents, and life was confined in what Elton called "vast isolated natural re

for a relatively short time, and the effect is not good. The US Bureau of Plant Introduction alone introduces more than 200,000 species of plants from all over the wor

e out of control, and this invasive plant and animal species can quickly reproduce on a lar

facing "a matter of life and death, not just looking for new technological means to control this animal and plant", but more need to understand the basic knowledge of animal habits, the relationship

employ them in government, but we rarely listen to them when decisions are implemented. We let the chemical rain of death fall

ead poking out of the water, and only see the inches above the bottom line of environmental degradation...Why do we tolerate a meal containing a chronic poison? Why? To live with this kind of life-a house

dence is on every side that those who are involved in the pest eradication campaign are abusing their power. "The entomologists in charge are prosecutors, judges, jurors, tax assessors, tax collectors, and police chiefs all at

us agents are capable of killing. We have exposed millions of people to these poisons without consulting them, and without them even knowing, if there is not a provision in the Bill of Rights guaranteeing the right of

ts on soil, water, wildlife, and ourselves. In fact, all living things depend on the natural world to survive, and

ce you pay, it is reasonable and reasonable. When the public protests against strong evidence of the dangers of pesticide use, the makers of the pesticides tell them a little bit of half-truth as a tranquilizer. We urgently need to suspend such false assurances and reject the sugar coating of embarrassing

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