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Stories from the Odyssey

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1543    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

of Pylos. There they found a great multitude assembled, keeping the feast of Poseidon with

ekest, and lay thy modest scruples aside. Thou seest that venerable man, still tall and erect, though he numbers more than a hundred years. Th

his friendly remonstrances, "What, still tongue-tied?" he said, taking him by the arm, and leading him forward.

n places of honour, where soft fleeces were heaped up on the level sand. A youth, about the same age as Telemachus, placed a goblet of gold in Mentor's hand, and gave him that portion of the flesh which was set apart as an offering to the gods. "Welcome, frien

n similar words, and then they all sat down to meat. When they had finished, Nestor looked earnestly at them, and asked them who they were, and what w

ll the other Greeks," he added, "we know at least the manner of their death; but even this poor comfort is denied to the wife and son of Odysseus. Therefo

me in mind and heart, and during all the time of the siege we took counsel together for the weal of Greece. But when the war was over disasters came thick and fast upon the host. And first, division arose between the two sons of Atreus; Agamemnon wished to abide in Troy until sacrifice had been offered to appease the anger of Athene, but Menelaus advised immediate departure. The party of Menelaus, of whom I was one, launched their ships and sailed to Tenedos; there Odysseus, who had set sail with us, put back to the mainland of Asia, wishing to do a favour to Agamemnon. But I, and Diomede

orious deed; and would to heaven that by the might of my hands I might so take vengeance on

o knows but that Odysseus will yet return, and make them drink the cup which they have filled? It may well come to pass,

emachus with a sigh, "the thing is too har

mecoming should be long delayed than that he should have died, like Agamemnon, fresh from his victor

ng Nestor, he said: "I would fain ask thee more concerning the manner of Agamemnon's death. Where was Men

n shed for him. But this is how it fell out: while we were toiling and warring at Troy, ?gisthus sat close to the ear of Clyt?mnestra, Agamemnon's wife, and poured sweet poison into her mind. For a long while she refused to hearken to his base proposals, for she was of a good understanding,

pollo with sudden death, as he sat by the helm; so he remained there to bury his comrade. But his misfortunes were not yet over; for when he reached the steep headland at Malea a violen

ven years he sat on the throne of golden Mycen?, and grievously oppressed the people. But in the eighth year came Orestes

I would have thee go; him thou must by all means consult; for who knows what he may have learnt on that wondrous voyage? Vast is the space of water over which he has travelled, not to be measured in one year b

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