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Innocent Love- The Journey

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1202    |    Released on: 11/08/2023


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very second counts. Outside, there is a lot of rain, and the night is getting colder. Everywhere there is growing darkness. I have to board my bus. I don't care whether someone


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has a list in her hand. Crossing my fingers

breath as she begins to say the names one by one. It's now or never. Everything I need depends on this work. In this place,

g to see everyone. No crying, please. E

s about to turn. She gave me a furiou


told I was the top candidate. Why then?” Anot

ude for letting you into our building; we have no idea when you discovered your next victim. You've mad


e I am the lone victim, no one pays attention to me. My reality is it. All around me, people were

nly jacket I have left. I stitched up a few holes, but the chilly rain is still hitting my flesh. My damaged boots are making strange nois

d me. Mom abandoned me for another man, and dad was either dead or killed. After that night, everything was different. Every day I was plagued by the truth. The voices ar


believe I'm still here. God help me if they don't kill me. But right now, my li

is y

walking. When I get home, I hear foul la


ected from the elements in the winter or summer by dirty walls with leaking plaster and damaged windows. But I draped some clothing over them. I had a broken bed and a single table with some c

I can change. I halt at the dead. My door didn't get any knocks. Nobody gives it a second thought. I'm sudd


y person who truly understands me is Father Anthony. On my bad days, when the entire community is ready to hang me from a rope, he stands by

ried my face when my father a

oday. Mother Kerry remained silent throughout our discussion. Her cheerful smile was melancholy. There is a situation her

he last tim


, my c

It's Friday and I haven't eaten anything. My eyes a

t.” Standing and going outside both. I can he

just tell her,

helpless youngster. My heart has never app

eatened us today; what will happen now, Father

she believes we are mistreating he

f Rose. We now have a problem with her. She needs to be gone as

d of t

believe I'

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