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Melinda fantasy

Chapter 4 He don't deserve you

Word Count: 477    |    Released on: 20/08/2023

and She will have to move on with her life.Miss where are you heading to said t

ed out.Melinda was 23 years old and was studying to be a doctor.when she reach the gate she took out her student card and show it to the security

ou been together since high school.He doesn't deserve you girlfriend and stop crying you will also make me cry.He even brought a girl alongside.He what?how could he do this.Sarah was angry.She was going to teach David a lesson for hurting her best friend.He even said the girl is his fiancee imagine how after so many yea

on sleeping wear then walk out of the room to kitchen,it smells nice here.You know I am the best when its come to

favourite juic

ake the plates with noo

dge and pour it into glas

d Sarah smiling.Thank you chef Sara

ng and laughing.Melinda felt good

friend to me.well bestie you can can thank

er I am off to

an the living room and di

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