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Heart Of Ares

Chapter 2 Are you a muse

Word Count: 1671    |    Released on: 14/08/2023

o and forget that he had helped the god of war. But he was still in

ured. He had small wounds and lacerations all over his body, althoug

her face. She was sewing one into her brow when the g

far as she could, but agai

just ... tr

ade the hair on the back o

always did, she was not a servant, she was a muse. And it should be treated as s


by order o

e you one o


ood up, not without cu

ne with his


ilver table and poured himself ambrosia, drank

k to her side and letting her finish her work. He looked b

bing pain as the mu

id the redhead

endured much

red, remembering the

the god's wounds. It went from his lacerat

t was tied around his waist r

ow her nervousness. He couldn't, hi

g the muse to frown and

nts' work? I thought that Apollo's collecti

rvitude? Collection?

be brought to her. From then on I d

illing to attend to the gods, she seemed, annoyed. Maybe it wasn't ca

woman finished and

eone to clean and sell my wounds tomorr

ed her slowly, with that air of superiority so typical of hi



y. The fruit on her plate was intact and the

t you

not h

ping and dancing in the rain? Th

ake us fo

tures are truly maddening.

give mortals the inspirat

unnecessary thing in which

mean she was stupid, that man could kill her just by squeezing her between his hands. He withd

, I hear the heavy

to the window "And don't even think about escaping thr

pproved" She released scathing and haughty, if he wasn't going to respect her, she didn't h


at have you done to deserve such

trusting me, and he's right because the moment he gets careless

ad never heard that a muse did not want to

king at the garden where birds, butterflies, fire

d trying not to seem too i

was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. My jaw clenched as he fel

wounds?" He asked trying to div

ime I did some mischief as a child, my punishment was to spend my af

es. He couldn't remember any goddess on Olympus who looked l

wered, looking up slow

the fairies?" He releas

she didn't act like the other muses and that's why s

? I mean, I know that for fairie

isio is my father. I'm bound to st

st opportunity. Fae were not tame creatures, they were wild and free, like birds, if you held them f

t was a difficult situation for the redhead. Aft

I think that by tomorrow you will be

erged from the war god's chambers with her fiery hair flying behind her.


ut you" Nastia said as soon as she sa

can take ca

d of war. The bravest and cruelest of

k to do more than co

d you're here,

east the other muses were courteous to her and they did not make her less for not being entirely Olympian. He thou

t? Oh no, I'm

s the weekly meeting of Apo

tten. It's just t

oment, the muse of the drama look

. We have been so

hours. In which I spend most of my time asleep. Truth b

e muse of the drama "Oh, my gi

her to the tub where the other

ut when she saw the attention she received,

, that horrible monster

ey, you're

formance of the muses and left there, there

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