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Crush to Love

Crush to Love


Chapter 1 Welcome to the USA

Word Count: 1216    |    Released on: 15/08/2023


the alarm b

est.... Turn it of

ate for your flight" I heard a familiar little voice. Ohh, it's my naughty kid bro. Wait... Rewind... USA?? Flight??..

e. I quickly did my business in the bathroom and rushed out to my wardrobe, and into a comfortable outfit and wore my sneakers... I didn't have time to check myself or put on any make-up, nt that I wear one... Am a natural

it's one of the maids... Actually we have three maids ``Good morning Kristy and here

aroni and salad" I said and sat down beside Skyler "And

miled at her. "Why did

g his hair. "Hey quit doing that" He yelled and yanked my hand off his hair. "What? Aren't you little?" I s


ey barged into my room,and yes, they are twins. "Hey,what's with you girls,don't you know how to knock? What if I was naked?"I asked with a frown on my face."Oh quit it bro,not like there's anything

hey screamed at once interrupting me. Yeah, their favorite musician is Ivy Spenser, and they have her pictures all over their room. "Ok, I've heard you girls, now get out of my room and go

, right?'. I smiled at both of them and stooped to their height.``I know big brother promised that but I'll fulfill it tomorrow, ok?" "Pinky promise?"they both said bringing out their pinky finge

dad?"I asked as I reached the door. "On a business trip sir, they left early this morning," one of the m


the alarm clock and got up. I dashed

t's the best in the USA. We went shopping on Sunday evening... I bought lots of clothes and shoes, though I have more in New Zealand but I couldn't help it(Don't mind me, I am a fashion freak). The school uniform is cool and

und my neck, put my phone into my backpack and rushed down the stairs. "Hey aunt, good morning" "Good morning cupcake, how was your night?" My aunt replied as she dished out my breakfast. "It was ok... at least"I said, settling down on a seat opposite her. "So Ivy, this is

something up"she said and pecked my cheeks. "Good luck in school, and tell me about it when you get back". "Ok aunt"I gave her a quick hug and entered the car, quickly the driver drove off to my new school... The drive to the school took an hour, the school gate was black and hu

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