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The Beast of the Briar Woods

Chapter 3 THE BEAST

Word Count: 1394    |    Released on: 15/08/2023

es a beast

the pain of


sleep in

p whenever I was roused from slumber. Or, maybe it was the nightmares. They al

.. well, just like any other day. I looked around the small shack that I called a

jeans, a clean shirt and a thick jacket – all courtesy of hunters I had scared of

nt to savor both before heading towards the river nearby. I knew berries grew on the bushes near the riv

hey knew I was one of them. Humming softly under my breath, I smiled at each bir

morning shining down on me. There in the shadows, they would wait until they had a chance to sink their claws into me when nigh


o pick the big ones and throw them in my small basket. I would gather a few days' supply so I wouldn't have to come back every morning. Once

alled home was originally supposed to be a cottage, but I wasn't really an expert in engineering or arc

torms that passed through our area. I took a wager

h day guide me and going with the flow. I had no schedule to follow. No duties to accomplish. But,

uld exert my muscles and use all my senses. I loved the feel of running through the trees, my hair flying behind me and the wind whipping pass m

up with me. Whenever I ran, I could almost imagine leaving all my problems and my memories behind. A howl of joy escaped my lips, and I t

w it, the beast had awakened. I could feel my body shift mid-tumble. My bones bent in odd angles, and my skin


reign in before, was now a hulking, black mass that overtook me. Its instincts

oor soul that lay before me. If only he hadn't hit me, I probably would've been able t

s as he rolled over on the ground. When his wide eyes met mine, he froze. I was doing my best to win control over the

. As his golden eyes continued to stare into mine, I could feel the beast calming down. The snarls that were coming out of my mou

eyes scanned the trees, waiting for the others that were with him. Surprise almost replaced my anger

wolf-like snouts. Fur was beginning to cover their body, and their nails had sharpened into claws.

eyes zero in on him, I realized why he'd been running. Because they were chasing after him. Flashbacks of Caleb cha

e, their angry expressions switched to one of fear. I didn't need to read their mi

snap a tree in half. Hackles rising on my back from anger. Glinting, black claws ready to rip an

e Beast of

as my

s was m

lves gave a low whine. I snapped my teeth in anticipation, know

il and ran away from me, th

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