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The Last Chance

Chapter 4 Mate

Word Count: 809    |    Released on: 15/08/2023

that was going through my whole body, it was like a surge of energy flowing through my whole being, this energ

ody was, like his body was mine, nothing made sense. I regained my consciousness and pushed him away, h

that! Why did you

there's no other ex

you going craz

t didn't want to see it, but this, what

ot saying

something special. that's how we know when we've found ou

have to do that! Why did you have t

ister, even before I


ven if I didn't want to admit it or felt that none of this could be reciprocated no matter how hard I tried, I kept lovi

ister, I can't do that to her, not to her and not to my fa

hands, they would die before letting this happen, they ignored laws and traditions, they forgot everything before allowing their plans to go down the drain that easily. Leo would never un

ant to tell me, you're hiding

ything, you're marrying my sister after a

could, I needed to get away from him, staying away was the only opti

elf in there as fast as possible, but before I got close to my

at me like a predator, her arm had an uncommon strength, I didn't know what to d

What do you thin


uldn't be able to do

ve seen of our parents you still thi

to do? Are you going t

I know what he means to you, and I'm going to take it away from you, I'm going to

another victim in all of this she was going to make him suffer

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