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Chapter 3 Vanessa- Where are you

Word Count: 1581    |    Released on: 16/08/2023

day? He did not need to pass my studio, but yet he did almost everyday for the past 3 weeks. Besides Sunday's. Another mystery. I knew they had their first game of the season on

uirted his water bottle into his mouth from a foot away. He wiped the corner of his lip while he looked me up and down. Then went right back to his conversation. The two players turned to look at me, up and down their eyes followed my body. They turned back to Colson, and said something that made him smirk. Heat pooled in my stomach at the sight of him. His skin was tan, his eyes a chocolate brown, behind those eyes I knew there was a hundred stories. His friends turned to walk to their

and rolled my eyes as I headed for the shower. I need to wash off my annoyance, every time Sam copied me I couldn't help but get so frustrated. She did not do it in imitation is flattering sort of way but more of I take who you are and make it me, if anything it could seem like I was copying her with how loud she was in being me. Hair was silly, and I did not

but after graduation and heading into my adult life, ballet was what I did more of. I stilled danced freestyle hip hop on the weekends, and left the weekdays for ballet. I even tried experimenting with the two which was a strange concept that hadn't really

ing with his friends playing video games. I read my book and made some tea. I had

e me up

ack to Luca's. Luca's house had more space, an insane kitchen and more lavish bathrooms so I liked being their sometimes to get ready, cook and relax. Sometime's I barely even saw him. We arrived at the warehouse. I always wondered why the picked such a desolate location for the warehouse, off the beaten path down a country road and near

faint sight of what was inside and my stomach dropped. Purple fluorescent lights shined on hundreds of what looked like marijuana plant

back to

xplain further. I stared at him blankly and he

rown in is absense. i forgot to roll up the window and coughed as I struggled to roll it up and speed off. As I sped off coming down t

e breeze but it was still hot out. The scent of apple fritters danced in the air and I turned around to see butter's bakery across the street making a mental note to get that after I danced. When I got to my studio there was a small package in the center of the room. I undid the bow and unwrapped the packaging

head. I slowly turned my head to the mirror in front of me, reflecting him in the glass behind me. He stared at me as I dropped my bent leg back done swung both my legs in front of

ionless. Without skipping a beat, the second the song was over he turned around and walked out. The second he left I felt cold an empty. He was so alluring but something about

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