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Ligh Of My Life

Chapter 4 Time to get out of here

Word Count: 1367    |    Released on: 19/02/2024

risoners, in the mere presence of Jose, closed their eyes in fear and even respect. Nayla stopped walking whe

he frowned, making those two

s steps and stoo

he doesn't have a clan... like you," Jose m

have no clan?" the black-haired

secondary family," she explained somewhat nervously. That t

that exists. You have one, and you l

line up. Hook, it's not something you have to worry abou

" she nodded, and the

olders on the desk. And it was strange because Jose usually seemed to be very organize

nes that are already closed. Those that are

nd got to wo

watched her focus on her work, and for a moment she thought that

, ma


the office, but it was no

e sheets, or rather, almost falling asleep on them. She had her back slightly

night. He didn't even realize how time had passed so quickly. He liked reading and an

ad somewhat alarmed, waking up from her slight drowsiness. She turned

is finished," he announ

d then corrected herself without nervousn

k. She was going to arrange them, but Jose interrupted her, saying t

rs where the inmates were up for interrogation. When they passed a

ught, as he noticed that she turned towar

experimenting among the shadows). For many years, the darkness educated him, and he became part of the Bingo book, with a special

so. So that the village would be happier and there would not be some kind of revolt, so to speak,

goodbye as they left the building, taking Jose o

ready a few steps ahead with Nayla behind him, but he s

d her with that deep voice and intimidating e

d spoken, broke o

arrassed. "It's not very common to see w

my rudeness," said the scolde

e officer, but Jose interrupted him by placing a firm hand on

she ordere

e was walking a couple of steps behind him because he

n't feel like

you h

kuro, they are open until h

y to Jose. And not e

now things that don't matter to her... if they see him with Nayla it w

d be a

tely wouldn

of the Barb Q res

said, seeming a little nervous

e candy

for dinner?" she ask

Come on, Jose,

house," she decide

ttle strange. Having a weirdo se

house for dinner and said that he would

nformation to a weakling who

go to Ikuro" he

here is enough in your house

You must be t

, while the circles under

go to Ikuro" Jose sai

I just

ordered, without

fact that she always ordered things for her and

ps, mentally preparing himself for the biggest bullying of his life. And to think that he wouldn't have


had stayed in the


re of herself withou

ing squarely to the ground was he

more at him, but didn

hand. She looked up and saw him waiting

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