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To Be Caressed By A Spirit

To Be Caressed By A Spirit


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 2412    |    Released on: 17/08/2023

as the cops escorted him into the el

enough of

I was the luckiest girl. After our graduation ceremony, Ryan walked right up to me and asked me to go out to a party that evening.

six months of dating. At that time, Ryan had convinced me to move out of my parent's house and get an apartment with him. M

Ryan would tell me that I needed to start working out, that my receptionist job was making me gain weight since I just sat around all day. Of course, that was untrue. I had not gained

etty much all my friends. Mostly, the guys I had hung out with during school. Ryan would make every excuse imaginable. Ryan claimed that one guy liked me too much, and it was not fa

work and then spend the nights and weekend with him. Unless he wanted to go. I wasn't all

harlie, to come pick me up so we could get dinner together. Ryan had left some t

ie was excited to tell me about her new career as a nanny. She loved kids and wanted to go to college to get a teaching degree. Of course, she needed to save up some money first. Charlie's parents

hrough the door, I noticed the light was on in the corner of the living room. My gaze trave

r at me and Charlie standing in the door

empting to me a joke. Ryan did not laugh. I was too nervous to laugh also. Charlie caught on to the tension in the ai

sushi bar?" Ryan asked me

in response. I wasn't sure why he wou

d. I was taken aback. He had never called Charlie that before. He knew she was my be

ould not help it. He had no right to call my friend names. Especially when I knew

ith my cheek. It caught me off guard that I fell into the potted plant we had near the door. My rib

s hands on me. "Don't look at me like that. You brought it upon yourself. You know not to raise your voice at

r the corner of my mouth, and I could already see the bruise beginning to form on my side. ginerly touc

was time to leave. I only would visit my parents every couple of months since Ryan did not get along with them and he was no

do not want to be around them either," and

apartment quietly, careful not to distrub him. He was sitting at the dinning room table working on his laptop. I

on Ryan's computer screen was porn. I immediately felt sick. He was more than likely looking up something that he wanted us

. I froze in complete shock. Ryan was watching a video of him having sex with another woman. I felt like I was going to throw up. I was comp

r the last 6 years. I did what he wanted in the bedroom. I did not hang out with my friends anymore. I barel

unded bored or annoyed. I did not know which. The last thing I wanted was to get pregnant by this monster. I had made sure that when the beatings had started, t

time. "I would never had a child with you. I saw what was on your computer screen. You have been sleeping with someone else." Ryan's face immediately contored into the monster that I h

and his chin was resting on his chest. His breathing was even so he must have been sleeping. As quietly as I could, I slipped out of

alked to the hospital room door. Once outside of the room I took a large breath and let it go. My hospital roo

dnt you use the call button?" This came from a brown haired nurse on the other s

ice." The look on the nurse

ing on?" Sh

has been abusing me for the last 6 years." I told her quickly. I was beginning to lo

n step with her and followed her into an empty hospital room. She pointed to the bed. "Please sit down. I am going to hook

e needle in my arm, the nurse turned the light off and

ut hospital rooms and doors, they do not keep out all the noise. Ryan k

nurses station. "Have you seen my girlfriend? She was in room el

o back and wait. She is almost done." I could hear the nurse tell him. I silently thanked the woman

like keys jingling. The boots stopped at the nurses station. I heard a man's rough voice say, "What room?" and the

struggle coming from the other room. "What do you mean?" Ryan yelled. I could not make out what the office said to him. "I ha

rom. They stopped at the nurses station only briefly and then continued d

as the cops escorted him into the e

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