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The Assassin

Chapter 4 Three

Word Count: 1511    |    Released on: 19/08/2023

ed back into her human body. It splashed across the walls like vic

d had spouted through a burst pipe. She took a hesitant step and discovered a dar

as like she'd been yanked into a horror show where she was the star

s and came on again. Her cheeks were wet,

tuck out from behind it. A large trail of blood flowed to form anothe

know. She felt their name in her mind but wh

her head jerk in the

wheeze left her lips. Her throat was dry and sh

ay to where the scream came from, through wreckage

cruel joke of hide and seek. When it came back o


e wanted to jump out of bed but something held

voice through the heav

ing came rushing back to her. She was Cassandra now and she was on an airplane

breath and deflated

passed a bot

he put it away. "The same

in her flyaway heart. "No." Her tone made

ery trace of Kio the stoic rock was gone. Even his arm tattoos looked less menacing. Ethan had a young, fatherly face, smooth around the edges for his forty-six year old self and had a tas

from the female flight attendants. Such an adjustment filled the new Ethan with so

grunted out and removed his hand from her

…he was terrible. This past month they'd spent in Kross town to ge

re the soft words and affirmations of safety. He went back to reading a magazine an

ow she was fully awake, the awareness that she was in a box

the armrests, closed her eyes and

t through the night, I don't want to carry you through the airport." He responded

teased with shaky breath and

ards into her thoughts to find a distraction so her mind didn't c

of the heavy binder in her suitcase somewhere on the pl


opulation. Her mother, Sophia had died after giving birth to her and her father had loved her as best he could while making sure she was his t

s that was the singer's life. The locals practically worshipped the ground she walked on and boy did she walk all over the

they had

d a picture. It was worse when the locals found out the Calloways were leaving, though they were happy for them

m neighbouring towns. All except one was thrilled for the Calloways big dreams. Cassandra's boyfriend who Thena compared to a doormat and thought about killing on numerous occasions because of his ea

ad come so close—broke his spine so he wouldn't follow

had gotten

a Ca

last meeting before she left for Kross. And it stirred u

the desk, like some decrepit thing he didn't know how it got in his office. She couldn't figure out if it was the new face she wore or he just generally

a sneaking suspicion that he didn't know the name of the one he so de

n her lap. She wasn't easily fazed by anything but s

o know you, trust you…maybe even love you I don't care. I want you to be like family when you put a silver bullet in-between his eyes. I want him and his fa

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