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Love's Next Door

Chapter 3 Maria's Big Move

Word Count: 2064    |    Released on: 21/08/2023

d shared dreams. Their aspirations had always been similar — a longing for better opportunit

and saved up every penny she could spare. Her determination was unwavering, her eyes firmly set on the hor

nited States offered, a chance to explore new horizons and challenge herself in ways she had never thou

there. His dreams were anchored in his homeland, and despite Selena's efforts, he remained steadfast in his decision.

were paramount, even if it meant relinquishing one's own dreams. It was in one of these moments of contemplation that she received a call from Maria, Maria called to break the news. The words tumbled from her lips with a mix of excitement and disb

of you. We have to celebrate! I'll come over after work, and we can make plans." As the call ended, Selena couldn't contain her emotions. She let out a joyous scream that resona

ld hear Maria's voice from inside the house. The air was charged with excitement, an atmosphere that mirrored the elatio

ppy for you!" said Selena,

a! This is like a dream co

's happiness. "You deserve every bit

e. "Thanks, Selena! I'm over the moon too! I can

nd the plans they had for celebrating. But amidst the laughter and camaraderie, a sense of wistfulness lingered within S

" Maria asked, her eye

aria, I'm genuinely thrilled for you. But sometimes, I can'

ways wanted this for both of us. And even though our paths are diverging for now, that doesn't

l have your time. Romano just needs a

y mom said that I should prioritize sta

t fair. You should be abl

n done. I don't want to lose Romano, but I also

igure it out, Selena. You're strong and brave, and you know

d's encouragement. "Thanks

. Now enough of the sad stuff! We need to celebr

on of cookies. "Yes please!" she sa

about her new job. "It's going to be hard, moving to a new country and starting over, but I'

us. She wished she could have the s

suddenly. "I'm sure I can find you a job too. We can be roommates an

the suggestion. "I-I do

upted Maria. "He loves you, Sele

t know, Maria. It's a big deci

promise me you'll at least consider it. You deserve to chas

rateful for her unwavering support. "I

tude and sadness in her eyes. "Thank

ed to Maria's success and the journey ahead, but deep down, Selena couldn't shake off the feeling th

offer. Could she really do it? Could she leave everything behind and sta

r her. He looked up eagerly as she walked through the door.

ut her mind was elsewhere. "It was

ce lit up.

e got a job in the US and she's

ittle. "That's great for

it. She needed to tell him about Mar

a job in the US too. She said we could be roommates until

can't move to the US. I have plans here in Mex

what about my dreams, Roma

I can't just uproot myself and come with you. I want to

ent of truth. She needed to decide whether her love for

ou, but I also want to see the world and experienc

know, Selena. It's a big decisi

d for a clearer answer, but she knew that she needed to be patien

go to the US with Maria and start a new life? Should she stay in

on her dreams without a fight. She had worked too hard and sacrificed too much to get to thi

ssue at hand had thrown her feelings into turmoil, and he couldn't bear to see her like this. Witho

. Their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss, a wordless reassurance of their connection. Pulling away

ons. "I know things are tough right now, but I'm working really hard. One day, we'll be abl

and his words now were like a lifeline, pulling her out of the sea of uncertainty that had engulfed her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held onto him, her fingers clutching

ek. "As long as we have each other, we can weather any storm." At that moment, the world outside their embrace seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and the promise of a better futu

each other in that moment, they knew that their journey was far from over. The road ahead might

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