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The CEO who saved me

Chapter 5 Another level

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 24/08/2023

consciously packed my things, I had no idea what to take with me, it seemed like an occasion to go and never come home, not t

ted, everything was a mess. I looked at the clock and it was after 8pm, the doorbell rang and I felt my heart skip a b

d I keep you wa

ings. I wasn't sure what to do since

or accessories, I can buy ne

have somethi

old job won't fit

e where we're going. Why

band, the gun was there, I decided to take it with me most of the time, Anthony seemed to realize that I was armed but decide

rt, please give me your passport, t

buy my tickets withou

othes, I can find a way to get it through the search, but if someon


n with me. He watched my every move very careful

for a long time. We got out of the car and walked into the airport, I decided to look up the name of the place we were going to from the boarding gate, apparent

the boarding gate because of the gun, but Anthony made sure I wasn't even searched, when we sat down I realized that the cabins were priv

we going


ing in a small town l

it was over I ran away for a few weeks

very s

nt to annoy him with my questions, I jus

sleep, you

t of sleeping at nig

d habit for

, it's not someth

t out after w

intensity of it. I thought he was going to check our kiss but he just carried on, his hands roaming all over my body, reaching my breasts, my waist and startlin

e barely came out, I hated it wh

aid, I won't do anyt

did you

embered that I had to hold back

a womanizer, but at the same time

used me, I'd just want to be a ge

pretending most of the time, he seems to be hiding something all the time, stru

him, while I was embarrassed, out of place and a little uncomfortable. It was hypocritical of me to think something like that, since I went to t

ose, but I still bet everything on this life, I wanted to be able to keep it, I wo

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