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One Weekend with the Billionaire

Chapter 88 Back

Word Count: 1638    |    Released on: 24/08/2023


side of the familiar apartment door where I lived with Jeff for over two years. It seems foreign to me, like a pla

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1 Chapter 1 An Ordinary Day2 Chapter 2 An Opportunity3 Chapter 3 A Party4 Chapter 4 Where's the Girl 5 Chapter 5 On the Balcony6 Chapter 6 In My Suite7 Chapter 7 A Confrontation8 Chapter 8 What's Going On 9 Chapter 9 In the Taxi10 Chapter 10 The Next Morning11 Chapter 11 In the Office12 Chapter 12 Making the Bargain13 Chapter 13 Another Day in the Apartment14 Chapter 14 The Proposal15 Chapter 15 Propositioned16 Chapter 16 Sign Here17 Chapter 17 Shopping18 Chapter 18 Taking Her to Dinner19 Chapter 19 A Fancy Restaurant 20 Chapter 20 In the Limo21 Chapter 21 The Bedroom22 Chapter 22 In Bed23 Chapter 23 Taking Her24 Chapter 24 In the Morning25 Chapter 25 The Day After 26 Chapter 26 Take Two27 Chapter 27 Breakfast28 Chapter 28 On the Plane29 Chapter 29 Her Beautiful Face30 Chapter 30 The Destination31 Chapter 31 The Falls32 Chapter 32 Mile High Club33 Chapter 33 At the Airport34 Chapter 34 The Drive Home35 Chapter 35 The Second Surprise36 Chapter 36 The Art Room37 Chapter 37 A Comfortable Dinner38 Chapter 38 In Braxton's Bedroom39 Chapter 39 Having Her Again40 Chapter 40 The Stables41 Chapter 41 In the Pool42 Chapter 42 The Hot Tub43 Chapter 43 Last Night Together44 Chapter 44 Our Last Night45 Chapter 45 One Last Morning46 Chapter 46 Going Home47 Chapter 47 Back in the Office Again48 Chapter 48 Meeting with the Husband49 Chapter 49 In the Apartment50 Chapter 50 Just Meatloaf51 Chapter 51 In Her Art Room52 Chapter 52 Waking Up Next to Him53 Chapter 53 A Phone Call54 Chapter 54 Long Day55 Chapter 55 Fight56 Chapter 56 Escape57 Chapter 57 The News58 Chapter 58 Safety59 Chapter 59 Braxton's Apartment60 Chapter 60 Waking Up61 Chapter 61 Threats62 Chapter 62 Lawyers63 Chapter 63 New Home64 Chapter 64 Call With Mom65 Chapter 65 Observations66 Chapter 66 Afternoon67 Chapter 67 Dinner Discussion68 Chapter 68 That Evening69 Chapter 69 In the Night70 Chapter 70 The Truth71 Chapter 71 Working72 Chapter 72 Texts73 Chapter 73 Heating Up74 Chapter 74 Steam75 Chapter 75 Heaven76 Chapter 76 Another Offer77 Chapter 77 Questions78 Chapter 78 Experimenting79 Chapter 79 Waiting80 Chapter 80 Call81 Chapter 81 Settling82 Chapter 82 News83 Chapter 83 Signing84 Chapter 84 Update85 Chapter 85 Reaction86 Chapter 86 Packed87 Chapter 87 Alone88 Chapter 88 Back89 Chapter 89 Falling90 Chapter 90 Hearing the News91 Chapter 91 The Hospital92 Chapter 92 Standing By93 Chapter 93 Going Home94 Chapter 94 Epilogue