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The cries of an Angel

Chapter 2 02

Word Count: 2290    |    Released on: 23/08/2023

a hurry to take my twins in my arms but here they are gone for good with a part of me my joie de vivre. I don't think if my life will be the same now as before. I a

. None of us here is immortal. Whether this man is persecuting Ramata tonight or not if God had decided that she will die with my two children that very night then she will die. No one can oppose the divine will. He did nothing and I forgive him wholeheartedly. It was just an accident and it can happen to you and me. Sorry if I offended someone in what I said. Brother Ousmane totally disoriented to release the collars of the man and he came to throw himself into my crying arms. The man with the voice that is hardly expected surely due to his tears. Man: you forgive me despite the fact that I snatched your wife and two sons from you who were impatiently waiting for you? Me: it's the will of God uncle. Calm down please. Who am I for you judge if the creator has taken back what belongs to him? Man: thank you my son, I have never seen such a lenient man like you. To damage a quarter of this big loss, sltp accepts the hand of my one and only daughter. Me ( turning my back ): I forgive you with all my heart uncle, have peace of mind. I really don't mind remarrying here now. Let me first digest the death of my wife and children. Man: if you really forgive me as you say my son, sltp accepts my daughter's hand otherwise I will die of guilt. My daughter is the apple of my eye, she is everything to me. I turned to my uncles who stared at us all with compassionate eyes. I took the two hands of the man in mine. -Me: okay if it can help ease your conscience. But know that I will never be able to love or make another woman happy except my Ramata Sow. She was also everything to me. If you insisted that I marry your daughter, know that you will make her unhappy for the rest of her life. Man: whatever, thank you very much for accepting my daughter. A person like you will never be able to harm a person, moreover, his wife. My older uncle: we are also sincerely sorry to have judged you without knowing you. You have really proven to us through your gesture that you are a good and mature person. Other rich people in your place will offer money instead of their only child. If you offered us money as damage, we will certainly have taken this for disrespect. You made a good choice by giving your daughter your hand to Sheikh Ahmed Kane. He is truly a good person and will know over time to make your daughter happy. Man: that I am sure and certain. Thank you very much to you too. Is there an imam present here, I want the marriage to be sealed now. Imam Yousouf ( a neighbor ): as I am touched by all this. My son Cheikh, I also knew you were mature but not to that extent. You proved to me today how good you are. May God bless your union and may the soul of your late wife and children rest in peace. The virtuous is the one who leaves everything in the hands of God. I am the imam of the neighborhood, I will seal this union. This is how I found myself again married to a stranger. How unpredictable this life is, who would have thought that I Cheikh will lose my half in the night and remarry me the next day? It's incredible but true. On the side of Almaty Kane. A new day had just risen ... as I am not in court, I decided to surprise my love baby. As it is the weekend, Maria will not come to work, I get up from my bed and then run for a quick shower. I opted for a black Jean and a high not very low-cut. I made up slightly and then lifted my hair into a bun. Satisfied with my look, I stuffed the necessary in my purse, wear my shoes then sprinkle myself with the perfume before grabbing my keys to put on the dressing table. I climbed quickly in my car towards my little heart. Half an hour's journey,

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