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The Audacious War


Word Count: 1381    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ited Russia-Russian

Outlets-The Slav

He is the strategist who plans the movements against Austria and Germany in the East, who surrounds Przemysl and says, "Now, we can take it when we please, b

Germans in the open plain, where their own numbers will count in

he Japanese war was to Russia most providential. It showed the lines of Russian weakness, inefficiency, and graft, which could flourish at a distance from St. Petersburg but became exposed when war

mind on the weak spots, that Russian confidential papers stolen in the interest of Germany misled b

in Germany can yet realize how this war has destroyed her commercial relations and commercial organizations throughout the world. Everywhere German people are subjects of suspicion. You will even hear in all seriousness that the Kaiser had an army of 150,

aking people is shown by the fact that she cannot understand why t

ica to stir up a raid on Canada. Of course he obediently returned to the United States, and then he sat dow

oops. For two years she has been building factories to manufacture ammunition and arms, and these are now being rushed to completion. People who have offered her contracts for ar

ntier just as readily as Germany can draw 7,000,000 men to both her frontiers. In

return for military duty. He replied, "Oh, I belong to the 14th mill

oil-fields steadily expanding north in the Ural Mountains, and east lies Siberia, endowed by nature as one of the richest countries in the world, an area in which you could deposit the United States.

t for. Germany, defeated, will lose the control or monopoly of the Kiel Canal, and possibly the country around it which she took from Denmark. The Kiel C

. As long as the Turks remained loyal to England, Great Britain was bound to maintain their integrity and hold upon Constantinople and the Bosphorus. With the passing of the Turk Constantinople is in the ha

a may get two with the suicide of Germany and the

be better understood

he fear of an invasion

set afloat by Germany,

anese invasion o

the brains of the outside world for her development, and in

sent arms to Russia, and she stands ready to throw legions into the European field in defense of her English ally

But there is a strong resentment in Russia to-day because the Polish Jews misled the

e five million people of Silesia back toward Berlin. This will awaken the Junkers of East Prussia and bring ho

edicted, "a good account of themselves," so the Russians as the allies of Great Britain may be found giving a very good account of themselves in this war. Russia is certainly unconquerab

re that, properly led, the Russian soldier is the greatest

, but Kitchener does not plan to end it then. He means to d

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