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Twins for the billionaire

Chapter 3 Third episode

Word Count: 2684    |    Released on: 30/08/2023

bottle. On her way to and from work today, she noted that she needed

gym, and it had more mirrors than a ballet studio. She was awake now if she had been partly slee

early fell when trying on. Luckily, she was by herself. As Abigail stepped onto the treadmill, she wondered what her sister would say when she had to give her a callback. It's likely that her mother a

ttempted to stop herself by running with her right foot and grabbing the handrails, but the machine swung back as soon as she put her left leg on since she wasn't ready for its pace. No. Such. Fortuity. Her weight moved, but it was too slow to follow the traveling path. Her bod

g time yesterday." If your sister wants you to be her personal assistant and wedding planner this much, you're a fantastic personal assistant. I promise you that I have no plans to fire you. Abigail grinned, unsure of how to respond to the compliments. I'm grateful, Mr. Davis. I'm happy to be of assistance to you. "You are very helpful to me," he remarked. "I hope you continue to do excellent work." Abigail noticed she was flushing and wished she had a pound of foundation on her face to cover it up. She said, "Thank you, Mr. Davis," hoping she could have said something wiser. She wasn't sure how to ask him and wondered if that was all he wanted when she looked at him. With a blink, Daniel appeared to emerge from a daze. "Oh, a dry cleaner? Could you retrieve it? After getting up, Abigail went to the coat closet in the corner of her room. She opened the door and took out two suits that had been dry-cleaned. She claimed, "I picked these up during my lunch break." "I thought the sooner I got them, the better since I wasn't sure when you would need them." "Many thanks!" As he accepted the suits, he smiled. "Remember, please message the IT department for an update on the website bug. I'll need that press release in fifteen minutes." "It's right now, sir," Abigail replied. As he disappeared inside his office, she returned to her desk and grinned. Perhaps, after all, she wasn't making as many mistakes as she believed. As Abigail descended the stairs and Gina exited the lift, ANNETTE LEFT Daniel's office into the main waiting area. Across the lobby, her ankle still fully functional, she stomped. Perplexed, Abigail had no idea what to do but watch her go. Annette took her coffee and thanked Abigail without glancing at her. She reached the lift just in time to see the door close, leaving Abigail and Gina to remain awkwardly silent. "I told you," Gina murmured. "Not our concern," Abigail said, turning to return to her office. After taking the change out of the coffee, she placed it on her desk. I won't bother Daniel about it anymore. Daniel emerged as she was about to sit down. He said, "I'm going home early." to her. "Put that report and the notes from the shareholder meeting earlier today on my desk tomorrow." She stretched across the desk and took the change out of the coffee, saying, "Yes, Mr. Davis." "Sir, this is your chance to run errands. He gave an eyebrow lift. "You should keep it, I said." She shot him her coolest look. Mr. Davis, I'm not interested. You own the money. He sighed, obviously irritated. Abigail, what is it? His expression matched hers in coolness. "Nothing." She once more gave him the cash. "Just say it, whatever you have to say to me." He spoke in a firm tone akin to the one he employed in meetings with high-level executives. "Okay," she murmured with clenched teeth. "I would be grateful if you addressed me as Ms. Copper ." He gave her a long look. "Why does that, You don't have my permission to address me by my first name. I wouldn't say I like that I seem to be treated differently. She refused to back down, keeping her gaze fixed on him. "I don't need the company gossip having me center stage." "You are unique!"He yelled. Sighing, he closed his eyes. He appeared to be counting to ten, and Abigail was certain that she would no longer be employed. He spoke gently and continued, "What I meant to say is that you're my assistant." There is no one I work with more closely than you. I will, of course, treat you differently. When we're not in meetings or with other people, you can call me Daniel. She almost laughed out, but she stopped herself in time. She said, "It would be better if you didn't," and returned to her job. "Mr. Davis, have a good afternoon." I'm grateful, Ms. Copper . He shot her a cold look before storming out of the office, saying, "I hope the same for you." Abigail returned to his job. You are not involved in it at all. He recently ended things with his girlfriend. He has been going to the gym early and working late. She was aware of this since, before his arrival, she had been attempting to visit the gym a few times a week, and each time, she felt as though he had just left—she could even smell his perfume in the house. She let out a sigh. All the same, she felt terrible and deeply ashamed. She could

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