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The vampire and the assassin

The vampire and the assassin


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 3771    |    Released on: 31/08/2023

rly, and this is no exception. I guess I should tell you a bit about myself before I launch into the chaos that is my life and

which is why I preferred to go by my nickname. At school, when we moved, the bullies soon learned I wasn't just a simple pushover. I would fight back when they started. Yes, I got kicked out of school a few times for it and often got grounded and everything taken away to teach me a lesson, but it never worked like it doesn't for most kids, let's be

community where everyone knew everyone. That was before I started fighting. I loved my life there; I had friends who accepted me for me, who would use my preferred name, and who understood why I went by that name, as most of them had strange names too. My dad used to work for a farmer, and it was enough to keep us fed with a roof over our heads; however, the farmer fell on hard

the same thing because I wanted to. I knew that if I admitted that the bullying was the real cause of the trouble, then nothing would be done. Nothing ever happened when I tried to tell my story; the school and teachers never

get called every name under the sun. I wasn't into drugs, and I certainly wasn't into drinking when my friends were. I still had some respect for myself, but all of that changed when I was hanging out with a group o

hat behind his caring manner there was something else, but me being me, I had to know what that something was. I thought I could be the one who calmed his wild nature, like everyone thinks when they meet a bad boy. So Liam and I started dating after three months of knowing each other. When my mom and dad found out, they went crazy, and that was the fin

still played the concerned boyfriend, but I could also see other things creeping in. I knew he was still hanging out with our friends and a couple of my friends, who had seen the darker side of me. They had all warned me to be

feel like he was on purpose trying to get me to fight him. One day,

oor were not mine, as I still had mine on. I went into the bedroom, already aware of what I was about to see. I know I could have just simply walked out of the house before I'd even witnessed what I knew I'd witness, but I just couldn't. I opened the door to see them in action. My anger got the better of me as I picked up a vase that was on a s

ting him be the reason I'd cried. I hadn't ever wanted that part of me to come out again. When I'd been with him, it had felt like there hadn't been a need for me to do it anymore, but I was clearly very wrong. He told me that he'd needed to provoke a reaction from me, and since my parents' attitude towards me hadn't prov

ed me, so even if I said no, his boss would get his own way. I turned and asked him what he wanted from me. Liam had grinned at me as if he were the devil himself and told me to go wait for him in the living room, a

t would cause trouble. I asked what he meant. The male on the phone had said he didn't want me working as a mistress; he needed me as a distraction for Liam. I was merely to talk to people while Liam did his job, and then when Liam gave

t angry with me once we were alone, and things often got physical between us, with both of us getting hurt very often. Liam seemed to enjoy those fights between us; I, on the other hand, didn't. Why didn't I walk away? I couldn't; I had no where to go, as by this point

im it, he might be more willing to take it from a beautiful young lady and to make out that I'd taken it out of my bag. I asked him what it really was, as I simply wasn't buying the answer of just a headache tablet, and Liam had begun to get a little angry with me, but his attitude had changed when our guest had arrived back at the table. Not daring to anger Liam tonight, I did as I was told. I watched him take the tablet and looked at Liam, who had kept his gaze on

d whispered that I'd done well and that my boss would be proud that I was ready to move on

ted no part of that, but I had no choice. I'd already helped him, and I knew I was already an accomplice, and I now understood what I'd done that night at the bar. Liam had told me if I felt uncomfortable about it all, I could remain his assistant and he wouldn't mind, but I

story and this tragic history of mine is the reason I'm in the m

received a telling off from the man on the phone about how I wasn't allowed to simply leave no more; I knew too much. Anyway, that night I'd been standing in the garden looking up at the sky as I silently prayed to whatever god or goddess was listening to me. I understood if none of them had been listening to me with all the bad things I'd done when, at first, I noticed what I thought was a falling star. I still have no idea what I saw in the sky

ings. I asked what he meant and told him how scared I was, and for the first time in a long time, I honestly saw the man that I'd loved all over again telling me it would be OK. He told me he had to leave, but he'd be back soon. If anyone came into the house, I

h the front door in the middle of the night. I held the dagger up and sliced, making the people dodge away from me. I had no idea who or what they were; all I knew was that they were scared of the silver dagger. Not daring to chance my luck against these things, I ran. I had no plan and no idea what was going on. It wasn'

ut the purely instinctive survival of whatever was going on. I knew how to fight, and I was pretty sure that I'd be able to fight with a

they'd found some weapons. They'd taken me in and given me shelter in exchange for the promise that I would help protect them and teach them to fight for themselves. After I taught them how to defend themselves, we managed to fight them off and kill a lot of them. We soon figured out that the human-looking things that seemed to mostly attack at

a rib or two with the pain I was in. The vampire had asked me where my master was. I had no idea who he was talking about, and when he finally mentioned Liam's name, I finally understood that this vampire had thought I'd actually meant something to Liam. I tried to correct him and tell him that in all the time this chaos and madness had been going on, I'd not heard a single word from Liam, so he was either dead or tho

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